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A common variety of bill. Variants may have projections on the back of the main blade.

By Rijksmuseum -, CC0,, Bill
By Rijksmuseum –, CC0,

Source: Pathfinder

The blade of this polearm is a curved or hooked chopping blade with a spiked projection on the back of the blade. The spike is commonly used to block and parry.

Benefit: When fighting defensively or with full defense, this weapon gives you a +1 shield bonus to AC. A mounted opponent hit by a bill takes a -1 penalty on his Ride checks to stay mounted.

Weapon Feature(s): brace, disarm, reach

Two-Handed Melee Weapons (Martial)
WeaponCostDamage (S)Damage (M)CriticalRange IncrementWeightTypeSpecial
Bill11 gp1d61d8x311 lbs. Sbrace, disarm, reach, see text

Source Advanced Player’s Guide

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