Irresistible Performance

The deity’s performances have power over creatures far beyond what mortal bards can accomplish.
Deities & Demigods
By Rich Redman, Skip Williams, James Wyatt
- Prerequisites: Perform 40 ranks.
- Benefit: When the deity sings, plays a musical instrument, tells jokes, recites verse, or engages in any other type of performance as a full-round action, the deity has the option to create any of the following effects. The deity can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its divine rank. It affects up to one creature per divine rank within a burst with a radius of 10 feet per divine rank, centered on the deity.
- Affected creatures become unable to take actions; instead, they dance, observe the performance with rapt attention, laugh, or applaud at the deity’s option. The affected creatures also suffer a 4 penalty to Armor Class, cannot succeed at Reflex saves (except on a roll of 20), and cannot use shields. Creatures can resist this mind effect with a successful Will save (DC 10 + the deity’s Charisma modifier + the deity’s divine rank). The effects last for as long as the deity performs and for up to 1 round per divine rank thereafter.
- Affected creatures become blissfully calm. They are immune to fear and compulsion effects except for those created by deities of higher rank than the performing deity and any such effects already operating on affected creatures are countered and dispelled. This ability also counters and dispels rage effects except for those created by deities of higher rank than the performing deity. Immunity to fear and compulsion last for as long as the deity performs and for up to 1 round per divine rank thereafter.
- Affected creatures fall asleep. This works like the sleep spell, except that any living creature can be affected. Creatures can resist this mind effect with Will saves (DC 10 + the deity’s Charisma modifier + the deity’s divine rank). Affected creatures sleep for up to 1 hour per divine rank or until awakened. The deity can end the effect at will.
- Affected creatures are so deeply moved that they simply die. Only living creatures with Hit Dice equal to or less than the deity’s divine rank are affected. Creatures can resist the effect with Fortitude saves (DC 10 + the deity’s Charisma modifier + the deity’s divine rank).
Once a creature makes a successful save against one of the deity’s performances, the creature cannot be affected again for one day.
- Note: Not all deities with this ability can create all the mentioned effects, as specified in the deity descriptions.
- Suggested Portfolio Elements: Art, bards, beauty, dance, love, music, poetry.