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Panneau avant d’un sarcophage représentant les quatre saisons, Salle des Triomphes

“Her power is to open what is shut; to shut what is open.”

Deity Title:
Deity Symbol: hawthorn tree
Home Plane:
Deity Level:
Traditional Allies:
Traditional Foes:
Divine Artifact:
Servitor Creatures: striges
Sacred Animal:
Signs of Favor:
Worshipers: Theives
Cleric Alignments : CN or CG
Specialty Priests:
Holy Days:
Portfolio: Knowledge, Paths, Wisdom
Favored Weapon:
Favored Class:
Favored Race:
Duties of  the Priesthood:
Major Cult/Temple Sites:

Liber Mysterium

The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

Often called the Roman Hecate, Cardea is the Goddess of health, thresholds and door hinges and handles and the knowledge behind those doors. Cardea is a capricious Goddess, often requiring her witches to memorize a section of poetry or building a center of learning in exchange for Her gifts of knowledge. Cardea is open to all who wish to seek her out, but she makes no guarantees that her knowledge will be helpful to the seeker.

She protects children against vampires and monsters, and was also the benefactress of craftsmen. Her cult is important in ancient Rome, and is worshipped at the Beltane festival and during June, both of which were seen as a metaphorical “hinge” for the year. Masks, balls and figurines (oscilla) were hung from doorways or trees to encourage crop growth in reverence to her. The hawthorn tree was sacred to her.

“Her power is to open what is shut; to shut what is open.”

She was originally the nymph Carna until Janus gave her power over door handles and hinges and status as the protector of children.

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