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Goddess, Aakuluujjusi (Great Creator Mother, Maker of Edible Animals)


A’akuluujjusi is the great creator mother among the Inuit people she created the animals that humans eat.

  • Pantheon: North American Pantheon
  • Deity Title: Great Creator Mother, Maker of Edible Animals
  • Deity Symbol: A walrus tusk carving or a soapstone statue depicting a mother figure surrounded by creatures
  • Home Plane: The Beastlands
  • Deity Level: Intermediate deity
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Aliases: Aqaluqqusi, Akulutik, Akuluitsoq
  • Superior: No known superior deity
  • Traditional Allies: Sea mammals such as walruses and seals, hunters and fishermen
  • Traditional Foes: None known
  • Divine Artifact: Aakuluujjusi’s Net
  • known Servants: None known
  • Servitor Creatures: Whales, walruses, and seals
  • Sacred Animal: Walrus
  • Manifestations: A powerful gust of wind, a motherly figure surrounded by creatures
  • Signs of Favor: Abundant catches of sea mammals, successful hunting and fishing trips
  • Worshipers: Inuit hunters and fishermen, parents
  • Cleric Alignments: Neutral Good
  • Specialty Priests: Angakkuq (Inuit shamans)
  • Holy Days: Celebrated during the solstices and equinoxes
  • Portfolio: Creation, fertility, abundance
  • Domains: Life, Nature, Protection
  • Favored Weapon: Harpoon or fishing spear
  • Favored Class: Druid, Cleric
  • Favored Race: Inuit
  • Duties of the Priesthood: Lead hunting and fishing trips, perform fertility and protection rituals, preserve Inuit spiritual traditions and beliefs
  • Major Cult/Temple Sites: Coastal communities and traditional Inuit hunting and fishing grounds Benefits: Increased success in hunting and fishing, protection while on the water, fertility and growth in family and community.

Aakuluujjusi, also known by her other names Aqaluqqusi, Akulutik, and Akuluitsoq, is a revered deity in the North American pantheon, worshipped by the Inuit people. She is known as the Great Creator Mother and is revered as the maker of the animals that sustain humanity through hunting and fishing.

Her followers believe that she created the abundant sea mammals such as whales, walruses, and seals that provide food and resources for the Inuit people. Her divine portfolio includes creation, fertility, and abundance, and her domains are Life, Nature, and Protection. She is seen as a neutral good deity, aligned with the forces of growth, prosperity, and well-being.

Aakuluujjusi is worshipped by hunters, fishermen, and parents, and her priests, known as Angakkuq, lead hunting and fishing trips, perform fertility and protection rituals, and preserve the Inuit spiritual traditions and beliefs. Her worship is centered in coastal communities and traditional Inuit hunting and fishing grounds, and her followers believe that she grants increased success in hunting and fishing, protection while on the water, and fertility and growth in families and communities.

Her symbol is a walrus tusk carving or a soapstone statue depicting a mother figure surrounded by creatures, and her sacred animal is the walrus. She is said to manifest as a powerful gust of wind or a motherly figure surrounded by creatures, and signs of her favor include abundant catches of sea mammals and successful hunting and fishing trips. Her holy days are celebrated during the solstices and equinoxes, and her favored weapon is a harpoon or fishing spear.

Aakuluujjusi is often depicted as a powerful, motherly figure. Shown with a round, ample figure, symbolizing her nurturing and sustaining nature. Her features are strong and bold, reflecting her authority and influence over the creatures of the sea. Aakuluujjusi has piercing eyes that gaze out from beneath furrowed eyebrows, hinting at her unwavering determination. Her hair is often depicted as wild and flowing, representing the winds and currents of the sea. In her hands, she holds the tools of her creation, such as a harpoon, fishing net, or soapstone carving knife. Overall, Aakuluujjusi is a formidable presence, embodying the strength, wisdom, and compassion of the great mother spirit of the Inuit people.

The benefits of worshiping Aakuluujjusi include increased success in hunting and fishing, protection while on the water, and fertility and growth in families and communities.

Divine Artifact: The Aakuluujjusi’s Net

A magical net, woven from the fur of walruses and the sinew of whales, is the divine artifact of the great creator mother, Aakuluujjusi. This net is said to be infused with Aakuluujjusi’s power, granting its wielder control over the creatures of the sea and the ability to call upon the wind for guidance and protection. The Aakuluujjusi’s Net is a powerful tool for Inuit hunters and fishermen, as it provides bountiful catches and keeps them safe from harm. The net is passed down from generation to generation and is considered a sacred symbol of Aakuluujjusi’s power and protection.

Goddess Aakuluujjusi

Large celestial, chaotic good

Armor Class 25 (natural armor)

Hit Points 825 (50d10 + 500)

Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft.


Skills Perception +30

Damage Immunities radiant, thunder

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned

Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 40

Languages all

Challenge Rating 30 (155,000 XP)

Divine Traits

  • Divine Awareness. Aakuluujjusi can sense the presence of any creature within 1 mile of her that has committed an act of great injustice.
  • Divine Blessing. Any creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of Aakuluujjusi gains 10 temporary hit points.
  • Divine Grace. Aakuluujjusi has advantage on all saving throws against spells and magical effects.
  • Divine Presence. Aakuluujjusi’s presence exudes an aura of divine energy, causing all creatures within 60 feet to have disadvantage on attack rolls against her.


Aakuluujjusi is a 20th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 30, +22 to hit with spell attacks). Aakuluujjusi can cast any spell from the Cleric, Paladin, and Druid spell lists. She has the following cleric spells prepared:

  • Cantrips (at will): guidance, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
  • 1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, detect evil and good, sanctuary
  • 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, prayer of healing, zone of truth
  • 3rd level (3 slots): beacon of hope, dispel magic, spirit guardians
  • 4th level (3 slots): freedom of movement, guardian of faith, restoration
  • 5th level (3 slots): banishing smite, greater restoration, mass cure wounds
  • 6th level (3 slots): blade barrier, heal, true seeing
  • 7th level (2 slots): divine word, symbol
  • 8th level (1 slot): earthquake
  • 9th level (1 slot): mass heal


  • Multiattack. Aakuluujjusi can use her Fists of Justice twice in one turn.
  • Fists of Justice. Melee Weapon Attack: +30 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 80 (8d20 + 30) bludgeoning damage.
  • Radiant Burst. Ranged Spell Attack: +30 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 120 (20d12) radiant damage.

Divine Artifacts

  • Spear of the North Wind. This spear, made of caribou antler and tipped with a shard of pure ice, was gifted to Aakuluujjusi by the spirit of the North Wind. It functions as a +3 magic weapon and deals an additional 3d8 cold damage on hit.
  • **Feather of the White Raven. Aakuluujjusi possesses a mystical feather of the White Raven, said to bring good luck and protection to those who possess it. It grants her the ability to cast the spell Feather Fall at will.

Legendary Actions

Aakuluujjusi can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Aakuluujjusi regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

Divine Smite. Aakuluujjusi expends a spell slot to deal extra radiant damage equal to the level of the spell slot used.

Flurry of Blows. Aakuluujjusi makes two Fists of Justice attacks.

Thunderous Strike. Aakuluujjusi slams her fist into the ground, causing a shockwave to ripple out in a 60-foot radius. Each creature in the area must make a DC 30 Strength saving throw, taking 80 (8d20 + 30) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Lair Actions On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Aakuluujjusi can take a lair action to cause one of the following effects; she can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

Blessing of the Raven. Aakuluujjusi blesses all creatures she chooses within 120 feet of her. Each creature gains advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for the next minute.

Northern Lights. Aakuluujjusi conjures up a display of aurora borealis in a 120-foot radius centered on her. Creatures within the area must make a DC 30 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute.

Regional Effects

The region around Aakuluujjusi’s domain is suffused with her divine energy, which creates the following effects:

Celestial Aura. The sky above is always clear, and the sun and moon shine brightly day and night.

Divine Protection. Creatures within 10 miles of Aakuluujjusi’s domain have advantage on all saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Blessing of the North Wind. Creatures within 10 miles of Aakuluujjusi’s domain can move through difficult terrain caused by snow or ice without penalty.

Feather of the White Raven. This mystical feather grants Aakuluujjusi the ability to cast the spell Feather Fall at will, as well as providing good luck and protection to those who possess it.

In addition to her other abilities, Aakuluujjusi’s lair is located in a remote, wintry region, often at the peak of a mountain or in a hidden valley. Her lair is filled with carvings and totems of caribou, wolves, and other animals native to the region. The entrance to her lair is often guarded by fierce beasts or elemental spirits that she has befriended.

Aakuluujjusi is revered by the indigenous peoples of the region, who tell stories of her heroic deeds and divine blessings. Many of them make offerings or seek her aid in times of need, and she has been known to appear to those who show true bravery and kindness.

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