Goddess, Ninhursag, “The Mother of All Living, The Lady of the Mountain.”
Ninhursag is a goddess in Sumerian mythology associated with fertility, nature, and motherhood.

- Pantheon: Sumerian/Babylonian pantheon
- Deity Title: The Mother of All Living, The Lady of the Mountain.
- Deity Symbol: A horned crown, a staff of greenery,
- Home Plane: The celestial realm, also known as Dilmun.
- Deity Level: Greater deity.
- Alignment: Neutral Good.
- Aliases: also known as Aruru, Belet-ili, Mama, Mammitum, and Nintu. Mama, Mammitum,
- Superior: Anu, Enlil, and Enki.
- Traditional Allies: Anu, Enlil, Enki, Anu, Marduk, Inanna, Ishtar, Shamash.and other Sumerian and Babylonian deities associated with fertility and nature.
- Traditional Foes: Kur, Asag, and Lamashtu, Pazuzu., Tiamat, Demons, evil spirits, and anyone who threatens the natural order of the world.
- Divine Artifact: The holy vessel of Ninhursag, a cup that can heal all manner of ailments. Containing the healing herb called the “plant of life,” which is said to have the power to bring the dead back to life.
- Servants: Lesser deities and spirits associated with fertility and childbirth such as Ishkur, Papsukkal, and Tammuz.
- Servitor Creatures: Serpents, lions, and other animals associated with nature.
- Sacred Animal: The lion, which was associated with Ninhursag’s husband, Enki.
- Manifestations: Ninhursag could manifest as a beautiful woman or a cow, depending on the situation.
- Signs of Favor: Fertile crops, healthy livestock, safe childbirth, and general prosperity.
- Worshipers: Farmers, midwives, mothers, and anyone seeking fertility or healing.
- Cleric Alignments: Neutral Good, Lawful Good, or Chaotic Good.
- Specialty Priests: Midwives, herbalists, oracles, and other healers.
- Holy Days: Ninhursag was honored during the month of Abu, which roughly corresponds to August-September in the modern calendar.
- Portfolio: Fertility, childbirth, healing, agriculture, and the natural world.
- Domains: Earth, Good, Healing, Plant, and Protection.
- Favored Weapon: Sharur, her sacred mace.
- Favored Class: Cleric.
- Favored Race: Humans, who were created by Ninhursag in some myths.
- Duties of the Priesthood: To tend to the sick and injured, assist in childbirth, care for crops and livestock, and protect the natural world.
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The temple of Ninhursag at Kesh, and the temple of Ninhursag and Enki at Nippur.
- Benefits: Worshipers of Ninhursag could expect healthy crops, safe childbirth, and protection from harm. Her clerics had the power to heal the sick and injured, and could call upon her divine power to protect the natural world.
Ninhursag is a powerful and revered goddess in Sumerian mythology, known for her role in creating and nurturing life on earth. As the goddess of fertility, nature, and motherhood, she is deeply connected to the natural world and all living things.
Born of the primordial sea, Ninhursag was said to have helped shape the earth and bring forth vegetation and animals. She is often depicted as a nurturing and caring mother figure, providing sustenance and guidance to her many children.
Despite her gentle nature, Ninhursag is also a fierce protector of life and will not hesitate to punish those who seek to harm it. She is revered for her wisdom and her ability to heal both physical and emotional wounds.
As a character, Ninhursag is deeply empathetic and compassionate, always seeking to ease the suffering of those around her. She is driven by a desire to see life flourish and grow, and will go to great lengths to protect and nurture it.
In her quest to protect life, Ninhursag has been known to challenge even the gods themselves. She has a fierce independent streak and will not hesitate to stand up for what she believes is right, even if it means going against those in power.
Ninhursag is typically depicted as a beautiful woman with flowing hair and a serene expression. She wears a long, flowing gown and is often adorned with symbols of fertility and motherhood, such as flowers. Her skin is said to be soft and glowing, and her presence is imbued with a sense of calm and nurturing energy.
Ultimately, Ninhursag’s goal is to create a world where all living things can thrive and flourish. She is a symbol of the power of life and the beauty of nature, and her legacy continues to inspire and uplift those who seek to honor and protect the natural world.
Ninhursag, the Sumerian goddess of fertility and nature, has been watching over the earth and its inhabitants for millennia. Though she exists beyond the realm of time and space, she cannot help but be drawn to the world of mortals and their struggles.
As the year 1453 unfolds, Ninhursag observes the turmoil and conflict that grips the earth. She sees the devastation wrought by wars and the suffering of those who have been displaced from their homes.
Moved by a deep sense of compassion, Ninhursag decides to intervene. She descends from her celestial throne and assumes a physical form, taking on the guise of a wise and benevolent healer.
As she walks among the people of the earth, Ninhursag brings comfort and healing to those in need. She tends to the wounded and sick, easing their pain and bringing hope to their hearts.
But Ninhursag’s mission is not just to heal the physical body. She also seeks to restore balance to the natural world, which has been ravaged by human greed and ignorance. With her divine powers, she summons forth the forces of nature to heal the earth and bring forth new growth.
As she works tirelessly to heal the wounds of the earth and its inhabitants, Ninhursag is fueled by a deep desire to see a world where all living things can flourish and thrive. She knows that this is not an easy task, but she remains steadfast in her mission, driven by a boundless love for all creation.
Currently she is walking among the people, bringing healing and hope to a world that sorely needs it. Her presence is a reminder of the power of nature and the importance of nurturing and protecting all living things.