God Nanna/Sin “the Moon God”
Nanna/Sin is the ancient Mesopotamian deity of the moon, fertility, and wisdom.

- Pantheon: Mesopotamian pantheon
- Deity Title: Nanna or Sin, the Moon God
- Deity Symbol: A crescent moon with a star inside
- Home Plane: The moon
- Deity Level: Greater deity
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Aliases: None
- Superior: Anu (father)
- Traditional Allies: Utu (Sun God), Inanna (Goddess of love and war)
- Traditional Foes: Tiamat (Chaos Dragon)
- Divine Artifact: A lunar crescent
- Servants: Moon priests and priestesses
- Servitor Creatures: Celestial bodies (stars, planets, etc.)
- Sacred Animal: Bull
- Manifestations: Appearances of the moon and lunar eclipses, visions of the future, light-based magic
- Signs of Favor: Clear nights with bright moons, successful divinations, blessings of good fortune
- Worshipers: Moon priests, sailors, farmers, diviners, artists, lovers
- Cleric Alignments: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, True Neutral
- Specialty Priests: Moon Oracle, Lunar Mage, Nightwatcher
- Holy Days: Lunar eclipses, full moons
- Portfolio: The moon, divination, art, love
- Domains: Knowledge, Life, Light, Moon, Protection
- Favored Weapon: Sickle
- Favored Class: Cleric
- Favored Race: Humans
- Duties of the Priesthood: Perform lunar rites and divinations, offer guidance and blessings to worshippers, protect sacred sites of the moon
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: Ur, Harran, Uruk
- Benefits: Moon priests gain access to unique lunar magic, the ability to see in the dark, and the protection of the moon goddess. They also gain insight into the future through divination and the ability to harness the power of the moon in combat.
Nanna/Sin is one of the most revered deities in ancient Mesopotamian religion, worshipped for thousands of years by the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. As the god of the moon, fertility, and wisdom, Nanna/Sin is considered a powerful and benevolent force, a bringer of light in the darkness.
As a deity, Nanna/Sin is often depicted as a wise and serene figure, with a calm and peaceful demeanor that inspires trust and confidence in those who worship him. He is also known for his protective qualities, providing shelter and security for his followers in times of trouble.
Nanna/Sin’s interest in fertility is linked to the lunar cycle, with his power waxing and waning alongside the phases of the moon. As a god of wisdom, he is often associated with the arts and sciences, and worshipped by scholars, poets, and artists alike.
But what truly motivates Nanna/Sin is his desire to maintain balance and harmony in the universe. He sees himself as a caretaker of the natural world, responsible for ensuring that all things grow and prosper in accordance with the rhythms of the cosmos. He seeks to bring order out of chaos, to protect the innocent, and to guide his followers towards enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment.
Nanna/Sin is typically depicted as a handsome male figure with a serene expression and a gentle demeanor. He has a full beard and long hair, which he wears in a topknot. His skin is often depicted as radiant and glowing, imbued with the power of the moon. He wears a long robe or tunic, often adorned with symbols of his power and status as a deity.
And so, Nanna/Sin remains a revered figure to this day, a symbol of hope and renewal for those who seek guidance and inspiration in their lives. Whether through the waxing and waning of the moon, the fertility of the earth, or the wisdom of the ages, his influence endures, inspiring us to seek out the light in the darkness and find meaning and purpose in the world around us.
Nanna/Sin, the Mesopotamian deity of the moon, still holds great power and influence in the world even in the year 1450. Although he has not been seen in the physical realm for some time, he is always present, watching over the world and guiding events in his own way.
In this era of great change and exploration, Nanna/Sin takes a keen interest in the events unfolding across the globe. He sees the great explorers setting out from Europe to discover new lands and treasures, and he is fascinated by the courage and determination required for such a journey. He also takes note of the new ideas and discoveries emerging in fields such as art, science, and philosophy, recognizing the potential for these innovations to bring about a new era of enlightenment and progress.
But even as he observes the world changing around him, Nanna/Sin remains steadfast in his commitment to maintaining balance and harmony in the universe. He understands the interconnectedness of all things and the profound impact that even small actions can have on the greater whole. As such, he seeks to inspire humanity to act with wisdom and compassion, to embrace new ideas and approaches, and to work together towards a common goal of peace and prosperity.
Nanna/Sin’s influence can be felt in many ways throughout the world. He inspires explorers to embark on journeys of discovery, artists to create works of beauty and meaning, scientists to push the boundaries of knowledge, and philosophers to contemplate the mysteries of existence. He also works to guide leaders and decision-makers towards wise and just choices, seeking to minimize the harm and suffering caused by human conflict and greed.
Ultimately, Nanna/Sin’s goal is to help humanity evolve towards a more enlightened and harmonious state of being, where all beings can live in peace and prosperity. He recognizes that this is a lofty and challenging goal, but he remains steadfast in his commitment to guiding humanity towards a better future.