Apsu, “God of fresh water, wisdom, and creation”
Apsu was the ancient Mesopotamian god of fresh water and the abyss.

- Pantheon: Babylonian / Sumerian pantheon
- Deity Title: God of fresh water, wisdom, and creation
- Deity Symbol: Apsu is represented by a serpent or dragon, symbolizing his connection to water and creation.
- Home Plane: The elemental plane of water
- Deity Level: Intermediate deity
- Alignment: Neutral
- Aliases: Abzu, Engur, Apsû
- Superior: None
- Traditional Allies: Tiamat, Mummu, Lahamu
- Traditional Foes: Ea (Marduk), Qingu
- Divine Artifact: A magical trident
- Servants: Various water elementals, aquatic creatures, and dragonkin
- Servitor Creatures:Merfolk, nereids, tritons, and other aquatic creatures
- Sacred Animal: The fish
- Manifestations: Apsu was known to manifest as a giant dragon or Sea serpent, or as a water elemental with power over creation and wisdom.
- Signs of Favor: Clear and abundant freshwater sources, favorable fishing or agricultural conditions, prophetic dreams or visions.
- Worshipers: Fishermen, sailors, farmers, and other people who relied on freshwater sources for their livelihoods.
- Cleric Alignments: Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral
- Specialty Priests: Focused on protecting and purifying freshwater sources, seeking knowledge and wisdom.
- Holy Days: Celebrated during the spring or summer, when freshwater sources were most abundant and in need of protection and purification.
- Portfolio: Fresh water, wisdom, knowledge, agriculture, fishing, protection.
- Domains: Water, Knowledge, Protection, Earth, Plant
- Favored Weapon: Trident
- Favored Class: Cleric, Druid
- Favored Race: Merfolk, Tritons, Humans
- Duties of the Priesthood: Maintain and protect freshwater sources, offer sacrifices and prayers for abundant harvests and successful fishing expeditions, teach wisdom and knowledge.
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The Temple of Apsu in Babylon, the Temple of Enki in Eridu.
- Benefits: Worshipers of Apsu could expect to receive blessings of clear and pure water, bountiful harvests and fertile soil, and protection from chaotic forces. They may also receive magical abilities related to water, knowledge, and creation.
Apsu is a primordial deity of the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon, embodying the primeval sweet waters of creation and the abyssal depths beneath the earth. As one of the earliest gods in the pantheon, Apsu is a complex and enigmatic figure, often depicted as a benevolent father figure and yet also capable of destruction and chaos.
According to myth, he was initially united with his consort Tiamat, the goddess of salt water, and together they produced the first generation of gods. However, as their offspring grew more numerous and noisy, Apsu became increasingly annoyed by their clamor and conspired with his vizier Mummu to destroy them. However, their plot was foiled by the god Ea, who slew Apsu and established his own dominance over the primeval waters.
As a character, Apsu is often depicted as wise and all-knowing, possessing deep insights into the mysteries of the cosmos and the nature of creation. However, his dark side is also emphasized, as he is seen as capricious and prone to sudden outbursts of violence. Ultimately, Apsu’s goal was to maintain order and balance in the cosmos, even if it meant resorting to drastic measures.
Apsu is often depicted as a primordial being with the body of a fish and the head of a man. His skin is usually blue or green in color, representing the fresh waters he embodies, and he is often shown wearing a crown or headdress adorned with aquatic symbols. In some depictions, he is also shown with the tail of a serpent, emphasizing his connection to the abyssal depths.
In Mesopotamian religion, Apsu’s role as the god of fresh water and the abyss was seen as crucial to the continued fertility of the land and the survival of civilization. He was worshiped in various forms throughout the region, with his cult center at the ancient city of Eridu. Despite his violent end, Apsu remained an important figure in Mesopotamian mythology, a reminder of the primordial chaos from which all life emerges.
perpetuity. However, in the year 1453, his influence was particularly strong, as the world was undergoing a period of great upheaval and transformation.
As the Ottoman Empire was preparing to lay siege to the Byzantine city of Constantinople, Apsu observed the events from his watery realm, his inscrutable gaze taking in the struggles and triumphs of mortal beings. Though he was far removed from the political machinations and religious conflicts that defined the era, Apsu remained a potent force in the minds and hearts of those who still worshipped him.
For Apsu, the events of 1453 were a reminder of the eternal struggle between chaos and order, a conflict he had witnessed since the dawn of creation. As the embodiment of the primeval waters, Apsu knew that the fate of the world depended on maintaining balance and harmony between the forces of nature and the will of mortals.
In his own way, Apsu continued to exert his influence on the world, inspiring poets and artists to create works that celebrated the beauty and power of the natural world. He whispered words of wisdom to scholars and philosophers, encouraging them to seek deeper truths and insights into the mysteries of the universe.
As the centuries passed, Apsu’s influence waxed and waned, his name sometimes forgotten but always present, like the ebb and flow of the tides. But for those who remembered him, he remained a symbol of the eternal wisdom and power that lies at the heart of all creation.