God, Ukko
Ukko is the supreme god of the Finnish pantheon, associated with thunder, sky, and weather.

- Pantheon: Finnish and Baltic pantheon
- Deity Title: Ukko, the god of the sky, thunder, and weather
- Deity Symbol: Hammer or axe with lightning bolts, eagle or hawk
- Home Plane: The realm of the sky, known as Ylijumala’s kingdom or Ukko’s hall
- Deity Level: Greater deity
- Alignment: Lawful good
- Aliases: Jumala, Perkele, Ylijumala
- Superior: Ylijumala, the supreme god in the Finnish and Baltic pantheon
- Traditional Allies: Mielikki, the goddess of forests and hunting, Tapio, the god of the forest, and Ahti, the god of the sea
- Traditional Foes: Surma, the god of death and disease, and Tuoni, the god of the underworld
- Divine Artifact: Ukko’s hammer, a powerful weapon that can summon lightning bolts
- Servants: The Ukko’s host, a group of spirits and divine beings that serve him, including the thunderbirds, hawks, and eagles
- Servitor Creatures: Bear, elk, and reindeer
- Sacred Animal: The eagle
- Manifestations: Thunderstorms, lightning bolts, and rain
- Signs of Favor: Clear skies, favorable weather, and protection from lightning strikes
- Worshipers: Finns, Sami, Karelians, and Estonians, farmers, sailors, and hunters
- Cleric Alignments: Lawful good, lawful neutral, neutral good
- Specialty Priests: Stormlord, Thundercaller, Weatherwatcher
- Holy Days: Midsummer’s Day, the summer solstice, and the Feast of Ukko, celebrated on the first day of the month of August Portfolio: Sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, fertility, protection, and justice Domains: Air, Good, Law, Plant, Protection, Strength, Weather Favored Weapon: Hammer or axe Favored Class: Cleric or druid Favored Race: Humans and elves Duties of the Priesthood: To maintain the natural balance, protect the people from harm, and perform rituals and sacrifices to appease Ukko and gain his favor Major Cult/Temple Sites: Ukko’s Temple in Kokkola, Finland and Ukko’s Rock in Estonia Benefits: Divine spells, protection from lightning and storms, and ability to summon lightning bolts
Ukko is the god of the sky and thunder in Finnish mythology, often depicted as a middle-aged man with a long beard, holding a hammer or an axe, and surrounded by storm clouds. He is said to have bright, piercing eyes and a deep, booming voice. Ukko is often depicted wearing a cloak made of bear skin or fur, and his hammer is said to be made of stone or iron.
As the god of the sky and thunder, He is one of the most important deities in the Finnish pantheon. He was believed to control the weather, and offerings were made to him in times of drought or storms. He is also associated with fertility and growth, and was believed to bless crops and livestock. In addition to his role as a weather god, Ukko is also seen as a protector of the Finnish people, and offerings are made to him for protection from harm and danger.
He is often associated with the oak tree, which was seen as a symbol of strength and endurance. In some stories, Ukko is said to live in a sacred grove of oak trees, where he would hold court and listen to the prayers and offerings of his worshippers. Despite his fearsome reputation as a thunder god, he is also seen as a wise and just ruler, and was often called upon to settle disputes and conflicts among the other deities.
Overall, Ukko is a powerful and important deity in Finnish mythology, embodying the forces of nature and serving as a protector and provider for his people.
Currently in the World
Ukko, the powerful and ancient god of thunder, was worshipped by the ancient Finns and other peoples of the Finnish and Baltic regions, including the Sami, Karelians, and Estonians. He was believed to have created the world and was revered as a deity of the sky, rain, and thunderstorms.
From his domain in the heavens, Ukko observed the events of the world below with great interest. He watched as the various peoples of the region struggled against one another, each vying for power and control. While he had no interest in intervening directly in human affairs, he did take an active role in ensuring the balance of power remained stable.
In the 1450s, Ukko was particularly concerned with the rising power of the Teutonic Order, a powerful military organization that had gained control over much of the Baltic region. While the Teutonic Knights were technically Christian, he saw them as a threat to the ancient traditions of the region, and to his own power and influence.
To counter the influence of the Teutonic Knights, Ukko enlisted the aid of his fellow gods and goddesses, including his wife, Akka, the goddess of fertility and harvest, and his son, Tapio, the god of forests and wild animals. Together, they worked to unite the various tribes and peoples of the region against the Teutonic threat.
Using his powers over the weather, Ukko brought thunder and lightning to strike fear into the hearts of the Teutonic Knights, causing them to retreat from their planned invasion of the region. Though they would continue to threaten the region for years to come, Ukko and his allies had succeeded in staving off their initial advance.
In the years that followed, Ukko continued to watch over the region with a watchful eye, always ready to intervene should the balance of power shift too far in one direction. Though his influence had waned somewhat in the face of the spread of Christianity, his worshipers remained devoted to him, and he remained a powerful symbol of the ancient traditions and values of the Finnish and Baltic peoples.