God, Äkräs
Äkräs is the Finnish god of fertility, turnips, and protector of various crops.

- Pantheon: Finnish pantheon
- Deity Title: Äkräs
- Deity Symbol: Turnip or a sheaf of wheat
- Home Plane: Ylijumala’s realm
- Deity Level: Lesser deity
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Aliases: Ägröi, Egres
- Superior: Ukko (Ylijumala)
- Traditional Allies: Ukko, Tapio (god of the forest), Mielikki (goddess of the hunt), Lempo, Kukka (goddess of flowers)
- Traditional Foes: Hiisi, Louhi (goddess of the underworld)
- Divine Artifact: Äkräs’ sacred artifact is a bronze plow, which he uses to till the earth and ensure fertility.
- Servants: Ents, Dryads, Nymphs
- Servitor Creatures: Squirrels, hares, and other small creatures are sacred to Äkräs, and are often considered to be his servitors.
- Sacred Animal: The bear is sacred to Äkräs, and is considered to be a powerful symbol of strength and fertility.
- Manifestations: Äkräs is often depicted as a kindly old man, with a full beard and a wrinkled face. A sudden increase in the yield of crops, a warm and gentle breeze, the rustling of leaves in the wind
- Signs of Favor: Bountiful harvests, fertile soil, healthy livestock
- Worshipers: Farmers, gardeners, herbalists, midwives
- Cleric Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
- Specialty Priests: Druids, herbalists
- Holy Days: The Summer Solstice, the Spring Equinox, the Harvest Festival
- Portfolio: Fertility, agriculture, protection of crops and livestock
- Domains: Life, Nature
- Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
- Favored Class: Druid
- Favored Race: Elves, Halflings
- Duties of the Priesthood: Tending to crops and livestock, protecting the natural world, promoting fertility and abundance
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The sacred grove of Äkräs in Karelia, the Temple of the Turnip in Helsinki
- Benefits: Ability to cast spells related to nature, fertility and agriculture, protection from diseases and pests, improved crop yields, communication with natural creatures.
Äkräs is a Finnish god, known for his association with fertility and agriculture. His name invokes visions of verdant fields and bountiful harvests, and he is celebrated across Finland for his role in ensuring the prosperity of crops.
As a character, Äkräs is both benevolent and powerful. He is said to possess a keen understanding of the natural world, and he is often depicted with a horn of plenty, symbolizing the abundance of the earth.
Äkräs is motivated by a deep love and reverence for nature. He believes that by promoting the growth and well-being of crops, he can help to create a better world for all living things. He sees himself as a protector of the earth and all that dwell upon it, and he works tirelessly to ensure that the natural balance is maintained.
Despite his godly status, Äkräs is known for his humility and his ability to connect with mortals. He is often depicted as wandering the countryside, dispensing wisdom and advice to farmers and other rural folk. He is deeply invested in the well-being of his followers, and he takes an active role in their lives, offering guidance and comfort in times of need.
Äkräs is a towering figure, with broad shoulders and a muscular build that speaks to his great strength. His skin is a deep bronze, and his eyes are a piercing green that seems to glow with an inner light. His hair is long and dark, falling in thick waves around his face and down his back, and his beard is full and bushy. He is often dressed in simple robes of earthy colors, which seem to blend seamlessly with the natural world around him. Despite his imposing appearance, Äkräs moves with a graceful fluidity, as though he is in perfect harmony with the earth itself.
Ultimately, Äkräs hopes to create a world in which all living things can thrive in harmony. He believes that by promoting fertility and prosperity, he can help to bring about a brighter future for all. And with his power, wisdom, and compassion, there are few who doubt that he will succeed in this mission.
Äkräs, the Finnish god of fertility, has been watching the world with a heavy heart. For too long, he has seen the land ravaged by war and conflict, and he knows that the natural world is suffering as a result. And so, in the year 1453, he decides to take action.
With a wave of his hand, Äkräs transports himself to the heart of Constantinople, where the Byzantine Empire is fighting for its very survival against the Ottoman Turks. As he walks through the streets, he can feel the pain and suffering of the people around him, and he knows that he must act quickly if he is to make a difference.
And so, Äkräs sets to work. With his godly power, he calls forth a great storm, one that lashes the city with rain and wind, and sends the Turkish troops scurrying for cover. As the storm rages on, Äkräs moves through the city, offering comfort and aid to those in need.
He tends to the wounded, providing healing herbs and salves that ease their pain. He provides food and water to those who are hungry and thirsty, and he speaks words of hope and encouragement to those who have lost their will to fight.
And as he moves through the city, Äkräs begins to sense a change. He can feel the people beginning to rise up, to take heart and fight back against their oppressors. And he knows that he has succeeded in his mission.
For Äkräs, this is just the beginning. He knows that there will be more wars and conflicts in the future, and he is determined to do what he can to bring peace and prosperity to the land. He wants to create a world in which all living things can thrive, in which the natural world is respected and protected.
And so, as he fades away from the city, returning to his realm beyond mortal sight, Äkräs carries with him a renewed sense of purpose. He knows that there is much work to be done, but he is ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. For he is the god of fertility, the protector of the earth, and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that the land remains bountiful and prosperous for all time.