(Settlement) Birka
- Coat of arms/Flag
- General Aligment –
- Settlement size –
- Corruption +; Crime +; Economy +; Law +; Lore +; Society +
- Qualities –
- Danger +
- Demographics
- Country –
- Government –
- Legislature –
- Population –
- Places of interest –
- Current Ruler –
- Other Notable residents –
- Marketplace
- Base Value ; Purchase Limit ; Spellcasting
- Minor Items ; Medium Items ; Major Items
Birka actes as the trade center and gateway. Traders come to Birka from all over the known world. Birka is defended by a strong fortresss mounted high on bare rock overlooking the harbour beyond this the is the main settlement. Two types of houses are used at wattle-and-daub homes, and timber or log houses caulked with clay. A defensive rampart surrounds the town, square wooden towers are placed along this fortification for further protection.