The Daughters of the Flame

Liber Mysterium The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
The witches of Ireland, Scotland and Wales all share a common Goddess in their wide and diverse pantheons. Brigit, also known as Brighid, Brigantia, Bridget, Brigid, Bride, and Brigandu, is the Celtic Goddess of Flame, Fire and Hearth, but also of Healing, Midwifery and Wisdom. She is honored by many witches, mostly of the Classical and Craft of the Wise Traditions, but none honor her higher than The Daughters of the Flame.
The Witches of Brigit are charged with spreading Her bounty across the land, and so are often seen carrying two clay jars. The first contains water from a sacred river or stream, which the Daughters can pour into other streams to cleanse them. The second jar contains dung from Her pastoral lands which, when distributed, brings Her blessings upon fields and villages. Formal records of the Daughter’s foundations do not exist since the earliest days forbade the use of writing down holy or magical transcripts. History was passed from mother to daughter. It is known that they were contemporaries of the Druids and may have Ban Drui (a sect of female druids) themselves.
The earliest known members were the Ban Drui sorceress Bodhmal and the witch Liath the Lurcha, which dates back to the 3 century CE.
They have survived time, the Vikings, the Chistianization of their homelands, and the Burning Times. They may not be the oldest order, but they are persistent.
There are two schools of thought within the Daughters of the Flame organization. The first, the Eala, are known for their traditionalist ways and desire to remain a pastoral order and not get involved in the affairs of the world. The second, the Brenna, want to take a more active role in removing the threats to the Daughters, both mundane and supernatural.
Members: This coven numbers 19 witches, with one leader, the High Priestess. Members of this coven can only be women and no man may enter into the scared areas of worship. A witch must have a high Wisdom score (15 or better) to enter the coven. No preference is given on how the witch appears, but those with bright red hair are known as the -blessed of Brigit-.
Traditions Supported: The vast majority of these witches are Celtic Classical witches. There will be a few Craft of the Wise and even a few Fire or Water Tempestarii. Lorelei are always welcome, but few have joined. Once in a great while a Faerie witch has belonged to the Daughters of the Flame.
General Alignment: The Daughters are overwhelmingly Lawful Good, with a scattered few of Neutral Goods and even fewer Chaotic Goods.
Patrons: The patron of course is Brigit, the Bright One or the Bright Arrow.
Sabbats and Rituals: Witches of Brigit are required to keep a perpetual flame burning at their shrines. The witches of the coven each take turns tending the flame in 20-day cycles. On the 20th day Brigit herself magically tends the flame.
A huge festival is given at time of Imbolic, also known as “Lady’s Day”. It is a celebration of the forthcoming return of Spring.
Common Traits: The Daughters prefer the simple quite life of country living as opposed to the life of an adventurer or city dweller. The wish nothing more than to be left alone to tend to their sacred flame, but they will not turn away those in need of help. Every daughter takes skills in healing and midwifery. Legends tell that Brigit was midwife to the Goddess Rhiannon and thus the Bright One’s name is always invoked during times of labor. If a Daughter hears such an invocation, she will not hesitate to aid. Daughters of the Flame can also perform handfastings (marriages) and naming ceremonies for newborns.
Despite their affinity for families and children, the Daughters rarely if ever marry themselves.
Principles: –Brigit is a force of Life. To honor Her is to Honor life. Live simply and aid those in need. Tend to the Flame, for the Flame is Life”.
Aid those in need, especially mothers and children.
Protect all forms of life.
Do not kill unless absolutely necessary.
Then do so quickly,
offer no quarter, and beg no quarter.
Tend to the Flame.
Destroy all undead, as they are affront to Life and therefore the Goddess.
Common Patron Domains (for clerics): Craft, Litha (Fire), Brigit’s Flame , Ostara (Healing), Imbolc (Protection)