Epic Spell, Soul Hold
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
Soul Hold
Transmutation (Calling) [Death, Evil]
Spellcraft DC: 80
Components: V, S, M, F, XP
Casting Time: 9 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)
To Develop: 720,000 gp; 15 days; 28,800 XP. Seeds: afflict (DC 14), contact (DC 23), slay (DC 25), summon (DC 14), transform (DC 21). Factors: change target to creature touched (+4), transfer a portion of the target’s soul to a receptacle (ad hoc +5), afflict target so that they are dazed or sickened at the caster’s choice (ad hoc +4), increase spell’s saving throw DC by 20 (+40). Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 8 minutes (-16), burn 5,000 XP at time of casting (-50), requires an expensive focus (ad hoc –2), requires a difficult material component (ad hoc –2)
Soul hold, like non-epic spells such as mark of justice, can generally only be performed on targets that are willing (compelled creatures count as willing) or restrained. The caster must have on hand a gemstone set within a gold or silver stylized cage to the value of 18,000 gp; this will be the receptacle for the stolen portion of the target’s soul.
For nine minutes the caster speaks the arcane words of binding, touching the target periodically with the fo-cus, and slowly drawing out some of the essence of the target’s soul. At the climax of the spell, the caster pierces the skin at the back of the target’s hand (or a similar, appropriate appendage), so that the blood runs over the cage and gem. Simultaneously, he expends 5,000 XP to seal the effect of the spell. An unwilling target is entitled to a Will save (DC = 40 + the caster’s relevant spellcasting ability score modifier) to negate the effect, but willing targets, or targets who are Soulsworn to the caster, are automatically affected.
From that time on, the caster is able to do certain things to a creature over which he has a soul hold, so long as he is touching the gemstone focus. Firstly, he can afflict the creature’s soul in a most unpleasant manner, leaving the target creature dazed or sickened. Secondly, he can sense the whereabouts of the creature perfectly, and can speak with the creature by means of telepathy over any distance, even over planar boundaries. Finally, the caster can kill the creature with no save, al-though this ends the spell. The soul of the creature passes in its entirety through the gem before passing on to its proper plane of existence (this does provide a window of opportunity to entrap the soul and prevent resurrection, although other magicks must be used to accomplish such a thing). By means of these things, the caster can often obtain the services and obedience of the target creature, if only out of fear for the welfare of its eternal soul. Rumor has it that this spell was first developed by Mephistopheles, Lord-Regent of Cania.
XP Cost: 5,000 XP.