Demonic Ravages

Originally Posted by The Serge of the Dicefreaks d20 Community, reposted by Witch
The Abyss, while recognized universally as a cesspool of violence of and hate, is also a source of incredible generative potency. In addition to being responsible for birthing the hordes of demons, these generative powers are capable of warping any creature exposed to the Abyss’s chaotic energies, even demons themselves. These mutations are known as ravages to planar scholars familiar with them and are classified by the power they grant their bearer: common, abhorrent, vile, and cosmic. Each tier denotes a general level of power as well as the kind of demon that commonly possesses such mutations: common ravages are found amongsr all castes of demons as well as mortal creatures unforntunate enough to be exposed to the Abyss’ twisted energies, abhorrent ravages are commonly borne by demonic atrocities, vile ravages are generally the province of demon lords and the occasional atrocity, while cosmic ravages remain the province of the demon princes and a few noteworthy demon lords. As befits a realm of hateful chaos there is no rhyme or reason apparent to sages for the acquisition of Abyssal ravages or for determining the strength of the ravage gained.
A demon can possess a total number of ravages equal to 1/4 its total HD/class levels without risk, while mortals can never safely possess ravages (see below for more information). A demon’s access to different grades of safe ravages is based on the sum of its racial hit dice and class levels (if any):
Common | 1-15HD |
Abhorrent | 16-30HD |
Vile | 31-45HD |
Cosmic | 46HD+ |
A demon may possess ravages more powerful than it can normally access based on its hit dice and class level. A demon may also possess ravages in excess of 1/4 its total hit dice. In either case possessing a ravage beyond the normal limits set by the demon’s total hit dice puts considerable strain on
both flesh and spirit, resulting in permanent hit point loss based on the
strength of the ravage:
Common | 6 hp |
Abhorrent | 36 hp |
Vile | 108 hp |
Cosmic | 216 hp. |
The hit point loss from gaining a ravage can never be removed. Ever. Such is the price paid for the foul power granted by the Abyss. Similarly, as mentioned earlier, mortals may never safely possess ravages and thus permanently lose hit points whenever they gain a ravage.
Finally, unless ravage specifically states otherwise it may only be selected once.
Note: When a demon exceeds its maximum number of ravages the hit points lost will be determined using the least damaging combination to the demon. Thus, if a 20HD demon has 7 ravages, 5 of which are common and 2 of which are abhorrent the demon will permanently 12 hit points (7 – 5 = 2 ravages past safe limit, 2 ravages * 6hp = 12hp lost).
Index of Demonic Ravages
Ability Boost (Abhorrent): A demon who receives this ravage has one of their attribute scores increased by +4. A demon may select this ravage multiple times, each time applying it to a different ability score.
Ability Damage (All): One of the demon’s natural attacks also deals ability damage if it successfully strikes a victim. The ability damage dealt by this ability depends on the grade of ravage bought:
Common | 1d6 points of ability damage |
Abhorrent | 1d8 points of ability damage |
Vile | 2d6 points of ability damage |
Cosmic | 3d6 points of ability damage |
Note: If the ability score damaged by this ravage is Constitution reduce the damage dealt by 1 step (min 1d4 for Common).
Ability Drain (All): One of the demon’s natural attacks also deals ability drain if it successfully strikes a victim. The ability drain dealt by this ability depends on the grade of ravage bought:
Common | 1d3 points of ability drain |
Abhorrent | 1d4 points of ability drain |
Vile | 1d6 points of ability drain |
Cosmic | 2d4 points of ability drain |
Note: If the ability score drained by this ravage is Constitution reduce the damage dealt by 1 step (min 1d2 for Common).
Additional Movement Form (Common or Abhorrent): A demon with this ravage has developed a new form of movement it did not already possess. To increase the speed of an existing movement form refer to the Improved Movement Speed ravage below. The speed of the new movement mode is determined by the grade of ravage:
Abhorrent | |
Burrow | land speed |
Earth Glide | 1/2 land speed |
Swim | 1.5 land speed |
Fly | 1.5 land speed (good) or 2x land speed (average) |
Additional Natural Attacks (Common): This ravage either grants the demon a new limb to attack with, such as a tentacle or tail, or allows it attack with an existing part of its body that it could attack with before (such as granting a demon without a bite attack a bite attack). The damage dice of the new natural attack is one step lower than the demon’s primary natural attack. For instance if one selected this ability for maralith and granted her a bite attack her bite attack damage would be 1d6, one damage die step down from the damage inflicted by her slam attacks (a maralith’s primary natural weapons).
Alternate Form/Change Shape (Common, Abhorrent, or Vile): A demon who possesses this ravage has the ability to assume one for more related forms, depending of the grade of ravage possessed:
Common: A demon may select 1d3 forms from the following list of creature types: aberration, animal, giant, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or vermin. A demon must choose all its forms from the same creature type, a chosen form cannot have more HD than the demon, and the chosen form must be the same size or one size category smaller than the demon’s base size.
Abhorrent: A demon may select two creature types from the following list: aberration, animal, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin. A demon can assume the form of any creature from its selected types that meets the following criteria: a chosen form cannot have more HD than the demon, and the chosen form cannot be more than two size categories smaller or one size category larger than the demon’s base size.
Vile: A demon may select four creature types from the following list: aberration, animal, dragon, elemental, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin. A demon can assume the form of any creature from its selected types that meets the following criteria: a chosen form cannot have more HD than the demon, and the chosen form cannot be more than two size categories smaller or one size category larger than the demon’s base size.
Blindsense (All): A demon with this ravage gains Blindsense (as described in the SRD) out a range determined by the grade of ravage possessed:
Common | 60 feet. |
Abhorrent | 120 feet. |
Vile | 180 feet. |
Cosmic | 360 feet |
Blindsight (Abhorrent, Vile, and Cosmic): A demon with this ravage gains Blindsight (as described in the SRD) out a range determined by the grade of ravage possessed:
Abhorrent | 30 feet. |
Vile | 60 feet. |
Cosmic | 120 feet |
Bonus Feats (Common or Abhorrent): A demon who possesses this ravage gains a bonus feat if selected as a Common ravage or a bonus epic feat if selected as an Abhorrent ravage. The demon must still meet all the prerequisites of the selected feat.
Breath Weapon (All): A demon who possess this ravage has the ability to unleash a breath weapon, similar to a dragon. Damage and recharge time is based on the grade of ravage selected:
Common | 1d6 points of damage per 3 racial HD, recharge time 1 minute. |
Abhorrent | 1d8 points of damage per 3 racial HD, recharge time 2d4 rounds. |
Vile | 1d10 points of damage per 3 racial HD, recharge time 1d6 rounds. |
Cosmic | 1d12 points of damage per 3 racial HD, recharge time 1d4 rounds. |
The damage inflicted by a demon’s breath weapon may be selected from the following types without impairment: acid, anarchic, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, or unholy. Selecting a non-standard damage type, such as desiccation, force, frostburn, negative energy, ect decreases the damage die per HD by 1 step (minimum 1d4 for Common). A demon may never inflict divine damage with its breath weapon.
Class Feature (Common or Abhorrent): A demon who possesses this ravage may select a single class feature belonging to a base class other than spellcasting. If a class feature possesses a prerequisite (such as improved evasion or improved uncanny dodge) the demon must possesses the prerequisite class feature in order to select the desired class feature. A demon’s effective class level is based on the grade of ravage selected:
Common | 1/2 its racial hit dice. |
Abhorrent | 3/4 its racial hit dice. |
Example class features include: auras, camouflage, evasion, familiar, favored enemy, hide in plain sight (requires camouflage), improved evasion (requires evasion), lore, maledictions, rage, skirmish, smite good/law, sneak attack, sudden strike, uncanny dodge. Note that a demon cannot select turn/rebuke undead using this ravage (see the Rebuke/Turn ravage for more information)
Disease (Common or Abhorrent): A demon who possesses this feat requires a victim it strikes with a selected natural attack to make a successful Fortitude save or contract a disease. A demon who possesses this ability as a Common ravage may select any natural disease while a demon who possesses this as an Abhorrent ravage may select any natural or magical disease. Once the type of disease is selected it may not be changed, although it is possible to select this ravage multiple times to represent a creature playing host to a myriad of infectious diseases.
Elemental Subtypes (Common): A demon who selects this ravage gains a single elemental subtype.
Energized Attacks (All): A demon who gains this ravage inflicts extra energy damage with its natural attacks based on its size and grade of ravage:
Common | 1 die of damage. |
Abhorrent | 2 dice of damage. |
Vile | 3 dice of damage. |
Cosmic | 4 dice of damage. |
Damage Die by Size | |
Tiny | d2 |
Small | d3 |
Medium | d4 |
Large | d6 |
Huge | d8 |
Gargantuan | d10 |
Colossal | d12 |
The energy damage inflicted by the demon’s natural attacks may be selected from the following types without impairment: acid, anarchic, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, or unholy. Selecting a non-standard damage type, such as desiccation, force, frostburn, negative energy, ect decreases the damage die size (minimum 1 point for Tiny creatures). A demon may never inflict divine damage with this ability.
Energy Drain (All): A demon who gains this ravage must select one natural weapon. Whenever the demon successfully strikes a foe with its selected natural weapon also inflicts a number of negative levels based on the grade of this ravage:
Common: | 1 negative level. |
Abhorrent | 2 negative levels. |
Vile | 3 negative levels. |
Cosmic | 4 negative levels. |
Expanded Reach (Abhorrent or Vile): A demon who possesses this ravage possesses unnaturally long limbs and is capable of striking foes with melee attacks from further away than normal. A demon who possesses this ability as a Abhorrent ravage increases its effective reach by 5 ft, while a demon who possesses this ability as a vile ravage increases its effective reach by 10 ft.
Fast Healing (All): A demon with this ravage gains a fast healing score based on the grade of ravage possessed:
Common | fast healing 5. |
Abhorrent | fast healing 10. |
Vile | fast healing 20. |
Cosmic | fast healing 30 |
Improved Damage Reduction (All): A demon who possesses this ravage is exceedingly resilient to harm. A demon may select from any of the options below and the number of options selected determines the final grade of the ravage:
+5 points of reduction (may be selected multiple times)
Add alignment penetrator
Add material penetrator
Switch “or” to “and”
Common | 1 option. |
Abhorrent | 2 options. |
Vile | 3 options. |
Cosmic | 4 options. |
Ignore Immunity to Critical Hits (Abhorrent, Vile, and Cosmic): A demon with this ravage gains a % chance to overcome any immunity to critical hits its victim might possess based on the grade of ravage:
Abhorrent | 25%. |
Vile | 50%. |
Cosmic | 75%. |
Ignore Damage Reduction/Hardness (all): A demon with this ravage gains the ability to ignore X amount of damage reduction or hardness possessed by its target as determined by the grade of ravage:
Common | 5 pts. |
Abhorrent | 10 pts. |
Vile | 15 pts. |
Cosmic | 20 pts. |
Immunities (Common, Abhorrent, and Vile): A demon who gains this ravage may select an immunity from the list below:
Common | Death effects, disease, disintegration, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning |
Abhorrent | Ability damage, polymorphing, petrifaction |
Vile | Ability drain, energy drain, mind-affecting effects |
A demon may gain this ravage multiple times, selecting a different immunity each time.
Improved Grab (Common): The demon gains the Improved Grab special ability.
Improved Movement Speed (All): A demon with this ravage may select a single movement mode it possesses, that movement mode’s speed is increased based on the grade of the ravage:
Common | +10 feet. |
Abhorrent | +30 feet. |
Vile | +60 feet. |
Cosmic | +120 feet. |
A demon may select this
ravage multiple times, each time applying it to a different movement mode
it possesses.
Natural Armor (Common): A demon who gains this ravage has its
natural armor increased by +1. A demon can gain this ravage multiple times
and its benefit stack.
Incorporeal (Common):
A demon who possesses this ravage gains the incorporeal subtype.
Mimic Type (Abhorrent):
A demon who possesses this ravage has been so mutated by the power
of the Abyss it gains the traits of another creature type, selected from the
following list: elemental, ooze, plant, undead, or vermin.
Naturally Psionic
(All): A demon with this ravage naturally possesses power points
and can use psionic feats:
Common | 3 pp. |
Abhorrent | 12 pp. |
Vile | 36 pp. |
Cosmic | 72 pp. |
Pounce (Common):
A demon with this ravage gains the pounce special ability.
Powerful Build
(Common): A demon with this ravage gains the powerful build special
Powerful Charge
(Common): A demon with this ravage gains the powerful charge special
Slight Build
(Common): A demon with this ravage gains the slight build special
Profane Bonus
to AC (Abhorrent, Vile, and Cosmic): A demon who possesses this ravage
gains a profane bonus to AC based on the grade of ravage.
Abhorrent | +2. |
Vile | +4. |
Cosmic | +6. |
The profane AC bonus granted by this ravage stacks with any other innate profane bonus to AC the subject possesses
Rake (Common): A demon with this ravage gains the rake special ability.
Ranged Energy Attack (All): A demon who gains this ravage has the ability to unleash an energy beam or missile as a standard action, striking its target with a successful ranged touch attack and inflicting damage based on the grade of ravage selected:
Common | 1d6 points of damage per 4 racial HD. |
Abhorrent | 1d8 points of damage per 4 racial HD. |
Vile | 1d10 points of damage per 4 racial HD. |
Cosmic | 1d12 points of damage per 4 racial HD. |
The damage inflicted by a demon’s ranged energy attack may be selected from the following types without impairment: acid, anarchic, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, or unholy. Selecting a non-standard damage type, such as desiccation, force,
frostburn, negative energy, ect decreases the damage die per HD by 1 step (minimum 1d4 for Common). A demon may never inflict divine damage with its ranged energy attack.
Rebuke/Turn (Abhorrent): A demon who possesses this ravage gains the ability to rebuke OR turn one creature type from the following list: aberration, animal, construct, elemental (select 1 subtype), fey, giant, humanoid (select 1 subtype), magical
beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, undead, vermin. A demon can use this ability 3 + its Charisma modifier times per day and has an effective turning level equal to 3/4 its racial hit dice.
Regeneration (All): A demon with this ravage gains a regeneration score based on the grade of ravage possessed:
Vile | regeneration 5, penetrated by epic and (good OR axiomatic, choose 1), or spells with the Good or Lawful descriptors. |
Cosmic | regeneration 10, by epic and good and axiomatic), or spells with the Good or Lawful descriptors. |
Note: There is no reason a demon could not choose 2 energy types in place of alignment descriptors.
Resistances (All): A demon who gains this ravage gains energy resistance or immunity based on the grade of ravage selected.
Common | energy resistance 10. |
Abhorrent | energy resistance 30. |
Vile | energy immunity. |
Scent (Common): A demon with this ravage gains the Scent special quality.
Swallow Whole (Common): A demon with this ravage gains the swallow whole special ability.
Trample (Common): A demon with this ravage gains the trample special ability.
Size Increase (Vile): A demon gains this ravage increases in size one step.
Spell-like Abilities (All): A demon who gains with ravage may select additional spell-like abilities based on the grade of ravage possessed.
Common: Select 6 + Charisma modifier levels worth of spells. Spells of 1st-4th are useable at will, 5th-7th are useable 3/day, and 8th-9th level are useable 1/day.
Abhorrent: Select 12 + Charisma modifier levels worth of spells. Spells of 1st-6th are usable at will, and 7th-9th level are useable 3/day.
Vile: Select 12 + Charisma modifier levels worth of spells. Spells of 1st-8th are useable at will, and 9th level+ are useable 3/day. You may apply non-epic metamagic feats to your SLAs to raise them above 9th level, but you can only apply a single feat whose spell level adjustment is less than the demon’s HD/10 (round down) to each SLA modifier in this manner.
Alternately the demon may gain the use of an epic spell usable 1/day whose DC does not exceed demon’s HD +18. This spell may not possess backlash or experience point mitigation.
Cosmic: Select 18 + Charisma modifier levels worth of spells. Spells of 1st-8th are useable at will, and 9th level+ are useable 6/day. You may apply non-epic metamagic feats to your SLAs to raise them above 9th level, but you can only apply a single feat whose spell level adjustment is less than the demon’s HD/10 (round down) to each SLA modifier in this manner.
Alternately a demon may select one the following options: 1. Use of a single epic spell usable 1/day whose DC does not exceed demon’s HD +66, OR 2. one epic spell usable 3/day whose DC does not exceed demon’s HD +36, OR 3. three epic spells
usable 1/day whose DC does not exceed demon’s HD +18. These spells may not possess backlash or experience point mitigation.
Vile Spell-like Abilities (Abhorrent): A demon with ravage treats X% of the damage dealt by its spell-like abilities as vile damage, as determined by the grade of ravage possessed:
Abhorrent | 25%. |
Vile | 50%. |
Cosmic | 100%. |
Virtual Class Levels (Vile or Cosmic): A demon who possesses this ravage gains virtual levels in one core class of its choice that it meets the requirements for.
Vile: virtual class level equals 1/2 racial hit dice only.
Cosmic: virtual class level equals 3/4 racial hit dice only.
A demon may only select this ravage once.
Vile Natural Attacks (All): A demon with ravage treats X% of its natural attack damage as vile damage as determined by the grade of ravage possessed:
Common | 10%. |
Abhorrent | 25%. |
Vile | 50%. |
Cosmic | 100%. |