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Cover of Detective Comics vol.2 #23.3 (Sept, 2013). Art by Jason Fabok

Jonathan Crane, a renegade scientist specialising in the nature of fear, who employs special equipment and techniques designed to use it to his advantage.

Originally Posted by A Guest on the Dicefreaks forums

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Jonathan Crane, The Scarecrow
Medium humanoid
Hit Dice12d8 (54 hp)
Speed30 ft
AC11 (+1 Dexterity) Touch 11, Flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple+9/+10
AttackMW Scythe +11 (2d4+1 x4) or gun +10 ranged (2d8 19-20/x2) or fear cannister +10 ranged touch (fear gas)
Full AttackMW Scythe +11/+6 (2d4+1 x4) or gun +10/+5 ranged (2d8 19-20/x2) or fear cannister +10/+5 ranged touch (fear gas)
Space/Reach5 ft. /5 ft.
Special AttacksFear gas, sneak attack +6d6
Special QualitiesMad Scientist
SavesFort +3, Ref +4, Will +7
AbilitiesStrength 12, Dexterity 13, Constitution 11, Intelligence 21, Wisdom 15, Charisma 11
SkillsBluff +13, Craft (poison) +21, Gather Information +15, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +18, Knowledge (physical sciences) +18, Profession (teacher) +15, Sense Motive +15
FeatsBrew Potion, Iron Will, Run, Skill Focus (Craft: poison) Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Climate/TerrainGotham City
OrganizationSolitary (Unique) or w/gang (3-9 4th level thugs)
TreasureFear gas, weapon
AlignmentChaotic Evil

Fear Gas Scarecrow’s trademark, fear gas is an insidious poison developed by the super villain. It comes in many forms, but follows some definite patterns. The known varieties are listed below.

  • Standard This gas has a Will DC of 21. Creatures who fail their Fortitude saves become panicked for 1d6 hours. It is an inhaled poison.
  • Improved This gas has a Fortitude DC of 31. It deals 1d6 Wisdom damage initial and 2d6 Wisdom damage secondary, in addition to threatening a fear effect identical to the Standard gas on both initial and secondary damage.
  • Death This specially developed intense version of fear gas creates illusions so powerfully frightening that the victim actually dies. The gas has an initial Fortitude save DC 25 against 1d6 Wisdom damage, and a Will save DC 20 against death.

There are several methods of delivery for the fear gas.

  • Gun This specialized gun releases a blast of whichever fear gas is loaded. It sprays out in a 30-foot cone, affecting all creatures in the area.
  • Canister This container of the fear gas acts like a grenade when thrown. It affects a 20-foot radius area. It also deals 1d4 points of fire damage to whatever it strikes. It has a range increment of 20 feet.
  • Mad Scientist His deranged experiments into fear have fundamentally changed Dr. Crane. He gains the following benefits.

    +10 competence bonus to Intimidate

    Sneak attack as a rogue
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