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By [1], Fair use, Parallax
By [1], Fair use,

Parallax is a fictional comic book supervillain from DC Comics.

Created by writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks for Green Lantern vol. 3, #48 (January 1994), Parallax was devised as the new supervillain identity for former Green Lantern protagonist Hal Jordan. The character’s revamp as a villain, as well as his replacement as Green Lantern by the Kyle Rayner character, was controversial with many fans. After further changes for the Hal Jordan character over the subsequent years, 2004’s Green Lantern: Rebirth once again cast Jordan as a heroic Green Lantern and retconned Jordan’s villainous career as the result of the influence of an alien parasite.


In 1994, DC Comics decided to do away with Hal Jordan, who had been Earth’s Green Lantern since his first DC Comics appearance in 1959, hoping to replace him with a new, younger character, Kyle Rayner, in order to attract new readers. The storyline, which culminated in Green Lantern vol. 3, #48 (January 1994), involved Hal Jordan descending into madness following the complete destruction of his home town, Coast City, by the villain Mongul, and becoming the villain Parallax. Jordan went on a rampage, destroying the Green Lantern Corps, and all the Guardians except their leader, Ganthet. This provoked outrage among some fans, and so, Jordan was exonerated in the 2004/2005 miniseries Green Lantern: Rebirth, written by Geoff Johns, and pencilled by Ethan Van Sciver, in which it was revealed that Parallax was actually an ancient demonic parasitic entity dating back to the dawn of time, that actually was the sentient embodiment of fear, and which traveled from world to world, feeding off the fear of sentient beings, and causing entire civilizations to destroy themselves out of paranoia.

It was this creature, yellow in color, which the Guardians of the Universe imprisoned within the central Power Battery on Oa using fear’s opposite energy, willpower. Parallax had lain dormant for billions of years, his true nature covered up by the Guardians to prevent anyone from trying to free it, and thus, it had eventually come to be referred to as simply “the yellow impurity.” This was the reason why the rings were useless against the color yellow: Parallax weakened its power over the corresponding spectrum, and hence only someone with the willpower to overcome great fear could master the power ring. Thus, when recruiting new Green Lanterns, the Guardians were careful to pick only those with that type of personality. When the renegade Sinestro was later imprisoned in the Power Battery himself, his Qwardian yellow power ring tapped into Parallax’s power and awakened it, allowing it to reach out to Hal Jordan through Jordan’s own ring when Jordan was at his weakest, spending years influencing him, causing him increasing self-doubt, and even causing his hair to turn white at the temples. Parallax’s control over Jordan exploded with Jordan’s grief over the destruction of Coast City, and it was Parallax who was responsible for Jordan’s subsequent murderous activity, his apparent killing of Sinestro (which was later revealed to be an illusion on Sinestro’s part, created as the final stage of Jordan’s susceptibility to the impurity in order to break his will), and Jordan’s destruction of the Central Battery, which allowed Parallax to graft itself onto Jordan’s soul.

Despite Parallax’s seeming conquest of Jordan’s soul, Jordan’s heroic tendencies managed to manifest themselves enough for him to sacrifice his life in order to reignite Earth’s Sun in the Final Night crossover storyline. Jordan’s soul (with Parallax still grafted onto it) subsequently became the newest host of the Spectre, the vengeful spirit of God’s wrath in the 1999 miniseries Day of Judgment, written by Geoff Johns.

It was because Parallax was now free from the Oan Power Battery that the last power ring, which Ganthet bestowed upon Kyle Rayner, did not have any weakness against yellow, and the Spectre explained to Jordan that it drew in Jordan’s soul in hopes of eradicating the parasitic Parallax from it. The Spirit of Vengeance eventually removed Parallax from Jordan’s soul, and itself from Jordan, departing in order to move onto the next recipient of the Spirit, while Ganthet guided Jordan’s soul back to his own body, which Ganthet had preserved after Jordan reignited the Sun during Final Night.

His soul and thoughts finally clear for the first time in a long time, Jordan was resurrected as a mortal human again, once again taking his place as a Green Lantern, the white portions of his hair even restored to their original brown. He fought Sinestro, who revealed himself as alive for the first time since his faked death, forcing the renegade to retreat back into the antimatter universe. Together, Jordan and Kyle Rayner, along with fellow Green Lanterns John Stewart, Guy Gardner and Kilowog freed Ganthet, whom Parallax had possessed after his expulsion from Jordan’s soul, and imprisoned the parasite back in the Central Power Battery on Oa.

Despite this re-introduction of the “yellow impurity”, which is now referred to as the Parallax Fear Anomaly, the power rings’ weakness against yellow no longer applies, as experienced wielders are now able to consciously recognize its source, and overcome the fear associated with it. It is still, however, a considerable weakness for new GL recruits, who are ignorant of the impurity’s nature or of how to combat it. During training, new recruits’ rings may falter at times against yellow objects, and/or when a recruit is experiencing panic or fear, as seen with Soranik Natu and other recruits in Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #4 (December 2005).

Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.

On this Thread

Parallax, Hal Jordan  
Wounds114 WP, 528 VP (24d8+336)
Speed60 ft., fly 30,000 ft. (perfect)
AC32 (+2 Dexterity, +20 deflection) touch 32, flat footed 30
AttackUnarmed strike +43 melee (1d6+25 plus 5d6 force) or power blast +32 ranged touch
Unarmed strike +43/+38/+33/+28 melee (1d6+25 plus 5d6 force) or power blast +32/+37/+22/+17 ranged touch
Space/Reach5 ft. /5 ft.
Will Force, One-Punch
Damage reduction 40/piercing, fearless, resistance to energy (all) 75, Spell Resistance 35
+48, Ref +36, Will +46
36, Dexterity 14, Constitution 38, Intelligence 25, Wisdom 23, Charisma 35
SkillsBalance +3, Concentration +56, Diplomacy +47, Drive +15, Gamble +36, Intimidate +61, Knowledge (civics) +40, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +54, Knowledge (history) +54, Knowledge (physical sciences) +54, Listen
+53, Navigate +53, Pilot +29, Sense Motive +40, Spot +53
FeatsAircraft Operation (jets), Brawl, Confident, Fly-by Attack, Focused, Iron Will, Knockout Punch, Skill Focus (Concentration )
Epic FeatsEpic Skill Focus (Concentration), Epic Will
Climate/TerrainOuter Space
OrganizationSolitary (Unique) or with Green Lantern Corps or JLA
Challenge Rating50
TreasureBragging rights
AlignmentNeutral Evil


Will Force Parallax has internalized the power of the Green Lantern battery, and so possesses power beyond that of normal Green Lanterns.

The following effects are always active upon him:

  • +20 bonus to armor class (deflection), saves, initiative, and mental skill checks
  • x3 wound points Disguise Self at will tongues at will
  • Jordan adds his Charisma modifier to all attack and melee damage rolls.
  • Unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, and deal +5d6 force damage.

Construct Parallax may form constructs similar to those of Green Lanterns. (See“Creating a Green Lantern Ring construct”) Creating a construct is a standard action. Jordan’s constructs are considered to be created from a DC 85 Concentration check.

Gates Parallax can open a gate to any point in space or time. It is a full round action to create a gate. A gate remains open for 1d4 rounds after Jordan goes through it, unless he chooses to immediately close it.

Healing Parallax possesses a limited ability to heal. As a full round action, he can restore 5d8 worth of vitality points. If focused for a minute, he can restore the same amount of wound points, ability point damage, or negative levels.

Immediate Knowledge Jordan can gain the benefits of any seven feats he chooses by replicating the necessary experience and teaching through his power. He may gain maximum (27) ranks in up to seven skills of his choosing. Alternately he may gain access to up to seven class special abilities as if he had 24 levels in the class(es). Jordan may interchange these as he sees fit, so long as he does not surpass the maximum of seven. (For example, he could gain three feats, two skills at rank 27, and two class abilities at one time.) This knowledge persists for an hour. It is a full round action to gain the benefit of a single feat, skill or class ability.

Increase Ability Parallax may draw upon his power to further increase his abilities. He may gain a +40 enhancement bonus to an ability score, attack roll, damage roll, skill check, or his saving throws for 1d4 rounds. Increasing an ability is a swift action.

Power Blast Parallax can channel his power into a powerful blast of energy. This blast is a ray with a 8500 foot range. The blast deals 40d8 damage, half of which is cosmic. The rest of the damage may be of any type or types Parallax chooses,
although force is the default.

Parallax may instead affect an area with this blast, in which case it is either a 400 foot cone or a 800 foot long line. (The line’s other dimensions are 10×10 ft) An area blast allows a Reflex save (DC 49) for half damage. Using the ray is an attack action; either area attack takes a standard action.

Shield Parallax can create a personal barrier that absorbs all attacks, energy and spells. The shield can withstand 850 points of damage. Parallax can also create an area shield. The shield has a square area of 8500 feet, although this total area can be shaped as he sees fit. Additionally, he may double the area, at the cost of halving the total damage absorbed by the shield. Creating a shield is a standard action.

Speed Parallax may gain a temporary Super Speed Level of 17 if he so chooses. This lasts for 1 minute. It takes a full round action for Parallax to increase his speed.

One Punch Hal deals double (nonlethal) wound point damage on an unarmed critical hit. Opponents so struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 47) or be stunned, and a Reflex save (DC 47) or be knocked prone.

Fearless Hal Jordan is immune to fear.

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