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Doctor Light (Arthur Light)

Doctor Light By [1], Fair use,
By [1], Fair use,

Doctor Light is a bipartite character, comprising supervillain Arthur Light and superhero Jacob Finlay, appearing in comic books published by DC Comics.

His stint as Doctor Light is concurrent with that of a superheroine using the same name and nearly identical costume, Kimiyo Hoshi. In 2009, Doctor Light was ranked as IGN‘s 84th-greatest comic book villain of all time.

He made his live-adaptation debut in the series in one episode of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, played by David Bowe. He also appeared in the second season of the DC Universe series Titans, played by Michael Mosley.

Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.

On this Thread

Arthur Light, Doctor Light (Post Identity Crisis)
Medium-sized humanoid (human)
WoundsWP 15, 110 VP (17d8+34)
Speed30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor class17 (+4 deflection, +3 Dexterity), touch 17, flat-footed 14
Base attack / Grapple+12/+13
AttackLight blast +17 ranged touch (10d6 fire and force) or unarmed strike +13 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal +2d6 fire and force)
Full attackLight blast +15/+15/+10/+5 ranged touch (10d6 fire and force) or unarmed strike +13/+8/+3 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal +2d6 fire and force)
Face/Reach5 ft./5 ft.
Special attacksPhotokinesis
Special qualitiesIllusion piercing, renewed effort, scientist
SavesFort +12, Ref +8, Will +15
AbilitiesStrength 12, Dexterity 16, Constitution 15, Intelligence 21, Wisdom 16, Charisma 19
SkillsBluff +14, Craft (electronic) +29, Craft (mechanical) +20, Computer Use +17, Diplomacy +13, Disguise +4 (+6 acting), Escape Artist +3 (+5 ropes), Gather Information +12, Hide +18, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (local– San Francisco) +15, Knowledge (physics) +29, Knowledge (technology) +20, Listen +18, Move Silently +18, Sense Motive +18, Spot +18, Repair +15, Research +22, Use Rope +12
FeatsAbility Focus (photokinesis), Greater Weapon Focus (light blast), Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (light blast)
OrganizationSolitary or with The Society
Challenge rating15
AlignmentNeutral evil

Photokinesis (Su): Doctor Light main power is the ability to manipulate light and other radiations to his will. He can use this ability for various effects.

Control Ambient Light: As a standard action, Dr. Light can reduce ambient light within 30 ft. to total darkness or increase the intensity sharply. Every creature in the area must make a Fortitude save (DC 24) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds and dazzled for 10 minutes.

Light also radiates illumination as a light spell. He can activate or deactivate this ability as a swift action.

Energy Absorption: As an intense action, Dr. Light can absorb incoming energy attacks. Electricity, fire, force and radiation damage can be absorbed in this manner. Creatures who make energy attacks against Dr. Light while he is absorbing energy lose the ability to make further use of their energy attack for 1d3 minutes. For every 25 points of energy absorbed in this manner, Dr. Light gains a +1 damage bonus per die to his light attacks for an hour. (So if he absorbed 53 points of energy damage, his energy burst attack would deal 15d6 + 30 damage) For every 10 points of energy absorbed,

Light heals 1 vitality point. There is no limit to the amount of energy Light can absorb. Dr. Light can activate energy absorption as an immediate action, but as it is an intense action to use it will cost him his next turn while he maintains it.

Energy Burst: As a full round action every 1d4 rounds, Light can release a burst of luminous energy with a 20 ft. radius. This deals 15d6 points of damage and blinds all creatures in the area for 1d4 rounds. A Fortitude save (DC 24) halves the damage and reduces the blinded effect to dazzled.

As a intense action, Light can absorb the surrounding light to further empower this ability. He deals 20d6 damage, the radius is increased to 30 ft., and the save DC is increased to 29. The surrounding area is darkened for one round following this use of the ability. This still counts as a use of energy burst and can only be used once every 1d4 rounds.

Energy Shield: Light can generate small light shields to protect himself. This shield can resist up to 40 points of damage before breaking. Light can create the shield once every 1d4 rounds, as an immediate action. He also gains a deflection bonus to armor class equal to his Charisma modifier.

Flight: Dr Light can fly at 60 ft. (average maneuverability)

Hologram: Dr. Light can create holograms of light. This works as a silent image spell-like ability that can be used at will as a free action by Light.

Light Fist: When fighting in melee, Light can envelop his fists with luminous energy. This allows him to deal an additional 2d6 points of fire and force damage on a successful unarmed strike and to make such attacks without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Light Blast: As an attack action requiring a ranged touch attack to connect (60 foot range), Light can deal 10d6 points of fire and force damage. This ray can deal less damage if Light wishes and it can take any shape between a wide blast up to a thin, laser-like beam.

All save DCs are Charisma based and benefit from Light’s Ability Focus feat.

Illusion Piercing (Ex): Dr. Light automatically gets a save to disbelief Illusion abilities, without needing to interact with them. He is also immune to blinding effects.

Renewed Effort (Ex): Light hates the JLA for mindwiping him and his resolve is reinforced against any such attacks. He gains a +5 bonus on Will saving throws to resist mind-affecting attacks.

Scientist (Ex): Dr. Light is a scientific genius and an innovator in light related physics. He receives 6+Intelligence skill points per level and a +4 competence bonus to Craft (electronic) and Knowledge (physics) checks

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