Green Lantern, (Hal ‘One Punch’ Jordan)
![Green Lantern, By DC Comics - [1], Fair use,](
Harold “Hal” Jordan, also known as Green Lantern, is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created in 1959 by writer John Broome and artist Gil Kane, and first appeared in Showcase #22 (October 1959). Hal Jordan is a reinvention of the previous Green Lantern who appeared in 1940s comic books as the character Alan Scott.
Hal Jordan is a former combat pilot who works for Ferris Aircraft as a test pilot, a member and occasionally leader of an intergalactic police force called the Green Lantern Corps, as well as a founding member of the Justice League, DC’s flagship superhero team, alongside well-known heroes such as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. He fights evil across the universe with a ring that grants him a variety of superpowers, but is usually portrayed as one of the protectors of Sector 2814, which is the sector where Earth resides. His powers derive from his power ring and Green Lantern battery, which in the hands of someone capable of overcoming great fear allows the user to channel their will power into creating all manner of fantastic constructs. Jordan uses this power to fly, even through the vacuum of space; to create shields, swords, and lasers; and to construct his Green Lantern costume, which protects his secret identity in his civilian life on Earth. Jordan and all other Green Lanterns are monitored and empowered by the mysterious Guardians of the Universe, who were developed from an idea editor Julius Schwartz and Broome had originally conceived years prior in a story featuring Captain Comet in Strange Adventures #22 (July 1952) entitled “Guardians of the Clockwork Universe”.
During the 1990s, Jordan also appeared as a villain. The story line Emerald Twilight saw a Jordan traumatized by the supervillain Mongul‘s destruction of Jordan’s hometown Coast City, adopt the name “Parallax“, and threaten to destroy the universe. In subsequent years, DC Comics rehabilitated the character, first by having Jordan seek redemption for his actions as Parallax, and later by revealing that Parallax was in fact an evil cosmic entity that corrupted Jordan and took control of his actions. Between the character’s stint as Parallax and his return to DC Comics as a heroic Green Lantern once more, the character also briefly served as the Spectre, a supernatural character in DC Comics stories who acts as God‘s wrathful agent on Earth.
Outside of comics, Hal Jordan has appeared in various animated projects, video games and live-action. Jordan’s original design in the comics was based on actor Paul Newman, and the character is ranked 7th on IGN‘s in the Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011. In 2013, Hal Jordan placed 4th on IGN‘s Top 25 Heroes of DC Comics.
Hal Jordan made his cinematic debut in the 2011 film Green Lantern, played by Ryan Reynolds.
Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.
Green Lantern, Hal ‘One Punch’ Jordan | |
Medium humanoid | |
Wounds | 118 WP, 231 VP (24d8+96) |
Initiative | +2 |
Speed | 30 ft., fly 300 ft. (perfect) |
AC | 32 (+2 Dexterity, +20 deflection) touch 32, flat footed 30 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +18/+28 |
Attack | Unarmed strike +29 melee (1d6+10 plus 3d6 force) or ring blast +27 ranged touch |
Full Attack | Unarmed strike +29/+24/+19/+14 melee (1d6+10 plus 3d6 force) or ring blast +27/+22/+17/+12 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Green Lantern ring, One-Punch |
Special Qualities | Fearless, ring talents |
Saves | Fort +34, Ref +36, Will +41 |
Abilities | Strength 16, Dexterity 14, Constitution 18, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 13, Charisma 25 |
Skills | Balance +3, Concentration +62, Diplomacy +22, Drive +15, Gamble +11, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (civics) +15, Listen +6, Navigate +28, Pilot +29, Sense Motive +15, Spot +18 |
Feats | Aircraft Operation (jets), Brawl, Confident, Fly-by Attack, Focused, Iron Will, Knockout Punch, Skill Focus (Concentration ) |
Epic Feats | Epic Skill Focus (Concentration ), Epic Will |
Climate/Terrain | Coast City or Outer Space |
Organization | Solitary (Unique) or with Green Lantern Corps or JLA |
Challenge Rating | 40 |
Treasure | Green Lantern ring |
Alignment | Neutral Good |
Green Lantern Ring
One of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, the Green Lantern ring is limited only by its user’s force of will. Below are listed some of the more common uses of the ring, however this does not begin to cover all the possibilities.
The ring is powered by a Concentration check using the wielder’s Charisma modifier rather than Constitution. Any feats that modify the wielder’s Will save also add their bonus to this Concentration check. Kilowog may take 10 on a Concentration check to wield the ring, even under stressful situations.
The following effects are always active as long as the ring is worn around the finger:
- +20 deflection bonus to armor class
- +20 bonus to saves
- +100 wound points
- fly speed 300 ft. (perfect)
- 95% fortification
- Disguise Self at will
- find the path (in regards to other rings, ring bearers and energy signatures) at will
- tongues at will
- The wielder adds his Charisma modifier to all attack and damage rolls.
- Unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, and deal +3d6 force damage.
Artificial Intelligence
The ring possesses vast knowledge of the cosmos, which can be accessed by its bearer. The ring makes all Knowledge checks with a +45 modifier. It also can provide a +20 competence bonus to all non-Knowledge mental skill checks as a swift action. (Except Concentration checks to use the ring)
The ring’s artificial intelligence automatically acts to preserve the life of its wielder. Should the bearer suffer damage bringing him to 0 WP, the ring immediately converts the damage into nonlethal and envelops the bearer in a shield. (See below, 250 hit point damage limit) It will send a distress signal to any nearby potential ally, although nearby may be very relative…the ring can reach anywhere within a galaxy with ease.
The ring forms a energy construct based around the wielder’s choosing. This construct may be in the form of any creature. (See Creating a Green Lantern Ring construct) One must partially concentrate on these constructs to keep them active. The wielder suffers a -2 penalty to his Concentration checks while he has a construct active. One can create numerous constructs, although successive creations will obviously be weaker than the first. Alternatively, the bearer may attempt to create more than one construct at a time, but he suffers a -1 cumulative penalty to his Concentration checks for each construct beyond the first created at one time. Creating a construct is a standard action.
The ring possesses a limited ability to heal. As a full round action, the ring can restore one tenth of a Concentration check’s worth of vitality points. If focused for a minute, it can restore the same amount of wound points, ability point damage, or negative levels. Healing is quite
taxing, and Concentration checks suffer a -5 penalty for an hour after attempting it. Both the penalty and the duration are cumulative, so a Green Lantern that attempted to heal twice in an hour would suffer a -10 penalty for two hours.
Increase Ability
The ring bearer may draw upon the ring to further increase his powers beyond that which it already grants him. He may gain one half his Concentration check as a bonus to an ability score, attack rolls, damage, or saves. This ability is mildly taxing to maintain, so he suffers a -2 penalty to Concentration checks while it is active. Increasing an ability is a swift action.
Ring Blast
The ring fires a powerful blast of energy. This blast is a ray with a range equal to the Concentration check x10 feet. The blast deals one half the Concentration check d6 damage. This damage may be of any type the bearer chooses, although force is the default. By taking a -20 penalty to the Concentration check, the ring may deal cosmic damage with this blast.
The ring bearer may also attempt to affect an area with this blast, in which case it is a cone with a size equal to the Concentration check x 5 feet. It allows a Reflex save (DC 15+ ½ Concentration check) for half damage. Either function is an attack action.
The ring puts up a personal barrier that absorbs all attacks, energy and spells. The shield can withstand damage equal to the Concentration
check x10. The ring wielder must concentrate on the shield in order for it to stay active. He suffers a -10 penalty to all other Concentration
checks with the ring while the shield is active. He can also create an area shield. The shield has a square area of 10 feet x Concentration
check, although this total area can be shaped as he sees fit. Additionally, the bearer may double the area, at the cost of halving the total damage absorbed by the shield. Creating a shield is a standard action.
The ring can be used to increase speed. The Green Lantern may gain a temporary Super Speed level equal to one fifth of his Concentration check. Super speed is hard to maintain, so the wielder suffers a -10 penalty to all other Concentration checks while he is under the effects of super speed. Activating Speed is a swift action.
A less taxing but similar usage of the ring merely increases the bearer’s movement rate. The Green Lantern multiplies his movement rate by the result of his Concentration check. This is easier to maintain, so the wielder only suffers a -2 penalty to other Concentration checks while making use of this power.
Telepathic Control
A Green Lantern does not need to be in contact with his ring to activate it, as he possesses a limited Telepathic Bond with it. The wielder takes a -20 penalty to Concentration checks when his ring is not in contract with him, but he may attempt to control it anyways as a full round action. A usual tactic in this situation is to command the ring to reform around his finger. (DC 15)
One Punch
Hal deals double (nonlethal) wound point damage on an unarmed critical hit. Opponents so struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 32) or be stunned, and a Reflex save (DC 32) or be knocked the fu…er, prone. Knocked prone.
Hal Jordan is immune to fear.
Ring Talents
Hal Jordan is skilled with all aspects of the ring. He gains a +5 bonus to Concentration checks to activate it. (Included in the stat block)
Hal has no overt weaknesses in his mastery of the ring.