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Witch Racial Traditions, Dwarf

The dwarven witch feels isolation from her normal community due the distrust of arcane magic among dwarves. This distrust seems to date back in time to the first recorded appearance of dwarven witches, a coincidence that seems too strong to ignore.

Liber Mysterium

The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

In dwarven society, men and women are regarded as equals. The dwarven witch is seen as contrary to this established reality. Most dwarven witches feel deep fear when they first hear the call and either leave their communities or try to suppress what they now know and feel. Dwarven witches become Solitaries, learning their art and faith directly from the Mother of dwarves herself.

While some find content with this life, others are constantly reminded that they will never truly belong, either as a dwarf or as a witch. Dwarven witches are the rarest form of witch one will encounter.

Preferred Traditions: Dwarven witches tend to be Eclectic due their unconventional training. Any witch with family members who are also witches can belong to a Family Tradition. All other Traditions are nearly unheard of.

Preferred Covens: Dwarf witches tend to be Solitaries even if they belong to a Family Tradition.

Racial Perks: Very few. High Constitution is a bonus regardless of calling.

Racial Drawbacks: The social stigma of being a magic-using dwarf is rough to bear; and due their nature, dwarven witches tend to be far more chaotic than the normal dwarf population.

Racial Archetype, Xothia: The Xothia (Zoethee- ah”) witch of dwarven communities has taken her nearly insurmountable odds, and turned them into unique advantages. Feared for her power, isolated because her ideals, and respected for her knowledge, the Xothia has become a living repository of dwarven lore, knowledge and magic. All Xothia are female — no male has ever joined their ranks — and all are beardless. Whether the Xothia are born that way or have their beard removed is one of but hundreds of their closely guarded secrets. The leader of a coven of Xothia is often known as the Xothia, and is usually centuries old. She is regarded as an advisor and sage to dwarven leaders; many will travel days or weeks to seek her out.

The Xothia lives apart from the main community of dwarves, where she and her coven can use magic to scry and record all that needs to be known. Often such answers cannot be gathered by magic and the Xothia witch must travel the world in Search of them. A full coven of Xothia is nine witches, eight members and the Xothia. Their manner and style of clothing have often been described as “elf-like,” not in insult, but as a means for the common dwarf to label what she does not know. The ritual tools of the Xothia are the “Labrys” or small double bladed axe, and the “Malleus” or hammer. The labrys may be wielded with one hand. It has two semi-circular blades on either side that would make a circle if they were joined. The labrys has a small knob on top of the shaft located between the two blades. Xothia must be of any non-lawful alignment. Evil Xothia are nearly unheard of.

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