
Druids often scoff at clerics for spending far too much time catering to the whims of people and the divine powers.
The Quintessential Druid
Author Robin O. Duke
Series The Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
Druids, like wizards, prefer to draw their power from an immediate source and they claim to both understand their magic and to have complete control over it. No supreme power can ever take a druid’s spells from her (unless you count the druid order). The ollave, though, has found people who need his spiritual guidance and, where no cleric has come to their aid, he has taken up the burden of administering to these faithful.
Benefits: The ollave has a congregation to look after and the respect of others for doing so. The ollave receives Knowledge (religion) as a class skill.
Penalties: The ollave’s congregation is a responsibility. He must look to his congregation as a cleric would and has to shoulder the congregation’s spiritual burdens. He cannot spend as much time as he would like in the wild and can never truly dedicate himself to the principles of neutrality. This combined with the ollave’s strong principles means he may not have a true neutral alignment. The details of the congregation, and the druid’s requirements to them should be developed by the Games Master.