Nature’s Philosopher

Druids pride themselves on having a very strong connection to worldly affairs.
The Quintessential Druid
Author Robin O. Duke
Series The Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
Unlike clerics, with which they are often confused, they do not spend their time contemplating the heavens but rather the very real effects of nature and their own personal interaction with it. Still, within the order, there are those that would be distracted by more lofty affairs. The nature’s philosopher is not satisfied with the facts that the cheetah is faster than all other animals or that the lark sounds this way when it sings but would know why these things are as they are. The philosopher will spend hours staring into the heavens or mapping the passage of rivers or ley lines in The Otherworld.
Benefits: The nature’s philosopher adds all knowledge skills to his skill list.
Penalties: The nature’s philosopher has no added prohibition against using weapons but he rarely has the time for even the limited martial pursuits of the druids. The character may choose one weapon from the druid weapon selection to retain. The character is not prohibited from using the other weapons but he is not proficient in using them either. The character must attain proficiency with these weapons elsewhere.