Barbarian, Lunatic

Hearing voices, seeing phantoms, perhaps even witnessing the face of a god, the lunatic is a raving madman. While he has moments of lucidity, which allows him to be a suitable companion, mostly, it is in the throes of passion, the most heated of emotions, when his true nature emerges.
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
Unlike many barbarians, this concept does not always originate from a savage society. In fact, many simply are products of a society ill-equipped to assist mental sickness. Considering the lack of ability to aid these poor souls, people suspect them possessed, diseased or cursed. Not all individuals who are mad have barbarian traits; only those who have uncontrollable outbursts of anger.
Adventuring: Considering the superstitions surrounding mental sickness, especially in a fantasy setting, these barbarians have little reason to stay in a place of persecution. Most will leave and wander the wilderness as hermits, where they cannot hurt anyone beyond themselves. A party of adventurers stumbling upon such a disaffected warrior may take pity on his deplorable state and invite the character to join them. Other barbarians, similarly afflicted, will embark on great epic quests, believing they alone are the chosen of a hidden communiqué with some otherworldly source. Conspiracies, impossible dangers, or simply the lures of strange creatures are all reasons for the lunatic barbarian to adventure.
Roleplaying: The lunatic suffers frequent changes of mood from paranoia to suicidal overconfidence. He will hold to odd fancies about the world’s cosmology. Despite his bizarre moods and outlooks, he is staunchly loyal to his companions, rising to their defence at even the smallest insult. Sporadic and often dangerous, the lunatic is a mixed blessing in any party. On the one hand, he is a competent warrior, but on the other, he is uncontrollable.
Benefits: Never fully stable to begin with, the lunatic is a monster in combat. Whenever he rages, he gains a +6 to Strength and Constitution and he gains a +4 morale bonus to Will saves. He also gains the Frenzy ability, which allows him to fight until he reaches -10 hit points. He may only take advantage of this ability when enraged.
Penalties: Though a frightening combatant to behold, he cares little for his own safety whenever the he enters a rage. Thus, he suffers a -4 penalty to his AC. The lunatic barbarian also receives only (2 + Intelligence modifier) x 4 skill points at first level. Thereafter he gains 2 + Intelligence modifier at each additional level. Lunatic barbarians lose access to Handle Animal and Survival as class skills, lastly the Games Master should select one or two uncommon stimuli which will automatically provoke a rage in the lunatic, such as being confronted by an ethereal creature.