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The water churns and splashes as a small, stocky humanoid surges forth, gnashing rows of needle-like teeth, its eye sockets merely deep gouges. As if it were one with the water itself, it darts quickly forward, shouting curses and swinging its fists.

Source Pathfinder #40: Vaults of Madness pg. 88

Cruel and spiteful, tikoloshe (singular and plural) are small undead that haunt tropical waterways and jungles, preying on travelers and villagers alike with their magical abilities and appetite for harm. Tikoloshe stand no higher than a gnome or a human child, but their bodies are dense and muscular; many have large potbellies and arms long enough for their knuckles to score the dirt as they walk. Their creation leaves them with blackened, eyeless sockets, but tikoloshe can ‘see’ using their giant, bat-like ears. Their skin is smooth and shines whether wet or dry. Tikoloshe are genderless; they stand about 4 feet tall and weigh almost 150 pounds.

Tikoloshe CR 3
XP 800

CE Small undead (aquatic)

Init +2; Senses Blindsense 60 ft., Blindsight 30 ft.; Perception +12
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dexterity, +2 natural, +1 size)

hp 26 (4d8+8)

Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6

Defensive Abilities Channel Resistance +2, water diffusion; DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits; Resist fire 10
Speed 20 ft., Swim 30 ft., waverider

Melee bite +6 (1d4+2), 2 slams +6 (1d3+2)

Special Attacks trickster’s torment

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; Concentration +5)   3/day – invisibility
Strength 14, Dexterity 15, Constitution -, Intelligence 8, Wisdom 15, Charisma 13

Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 16

Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness

Skills Climb +9, Perception +12, Stealth +13, Swim +10

Languages Common, Polyglot
Environment warm forests, oceans, or rivers

Organization solitary, gang (2-8), or clan (9-20)

Treasure standard
Special Abilities
Blind A tikoloshe has no eyes and is blind. All creatures beyond the range of its hearing-based Blindsense and Blindsight abilities have total concealment against it.  

Trickster’s Torment (Su) Once per day, a tikoloshe can curse another living creature. As a standard action, the tikoloshe makes a melee touch attack and unless the target makes a DC 15 Will save, the target is treated as if under the effect of bestow curse, except that the curse’s duration is only 24 hours. A creature can only suffer from one tikoloshe’s curse at a time. The save DC is Charisma-based.  

Water Diffusion (Ex) When in water at least 2 feet deep, a tikoloshe’s body seems to diffuse into and become part of the water, granting it concealment (20% miss chance) as if under the effect of blur. This effect ends immediately upon entering shallower water or setting foot on land.

Waverider (Ex) Up to 3 times per day, a tikoloshe can Swim up to 30 feet as a swift action. It does not provoke an attack of opportunity for this movement.

Variant Tikoloshe

Depending on the ritual used and the quality of the materials, some tikoloshe look different than the standard dwarf-gremlin variety. Some look like horrid Small werebears in hybrid form, or like a worm-like creature with a dog’s head and golden tongue. These variants may or may not have the burned-out eyeholes of the ‘standard’ tikoloshe.

Creating Tikoloshe

The process of creating a tikoloshe is more complex than for animating most undead creatures, but requires the same fundamental magic. Ultimately, the creation process culminates in the casting of the spell create undead. In addition to the normal components of the spell, creating a tikoloshe requires the equipment and process previously noted, adding 1 day of effort and 100 gold pieces to the typical requirements of the spell. Typically, a caster loses control over a tikoloshe after the undead performs one service for him, though creators of level 15 or higher retain control.