Fallen Angel Template

Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
Angels, despite being the embodiment of holiness and virtue in the cosmos, are not infallible. As each strives to promote the cause of righteousness on behalf of the Sarim or various goodly deities, each is regularly confronted by temptations. Everything from greed and lust, to envy and pride threatens the integrity of the angel. Although
the vast majority never yields to temptation, there are those who, for whatever reason, succumb to some fatal flaw and fall from grace. These are the fallen angels.
The greatest number of fallen angels are known to have appeared during the earliest hours of the Prime Material. They were cast out of the Realms Above by the Sarim for their pride, wickedness, and abuse of mortal creatures. However, the greatest fallen angels were cast down after mortals populated countless worlds. Known as The Great Fall, this tribulation saw the likes of Belial, Eblis, and Beelzebul cast out of the Lights from on High and into the Depths Below. Although some of the better known fallen angels became terrible powers of Evil, most disappeared into obscurity, nursing their hatred against their former master and the mortals that infest
the Prime even as they wallow in self-pity and despair, too proud to sincerely
ask for forgiveness.
Creating a Fallen Angel
“Fallen Angel” is a template that can be added to any outsider bearing the Extraplanar and Good sub-types (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The creature’s sub type changes to Evil and the creature may also assume either a Law (for diabolical) or Chaotic (for demonic) subtype in its descriptor depending on its ethical alignment. It gains the Fallen subtype; this replaces any angelic choir subtype of the base creature. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Speed: There is a 33% chance that the fallen angel loses its wings and the ability to fly. Furthermore, most angels that retain their wings (66%) experience cosmetic changes in their wings; in some cases, the wings become bat-like, vulture-like, or constantly molt.
Special Attacks: The fallen angel loses access to much of its spell-casting ability. As it is no longer part of the Celestial Choir, the fallen angel replaces all spell-like abilities bearing the Good descriptor with Evil counterparts. Thus, a fallen planetar would no longer retain the ability to cast holy smite, replacing it with unholy blight. Aside from detect evil (which becomes detect good), fallen angels lose access to any permanent spell-like effects. Fallen angels also completely lose access to any spell-like abilities with the Healing descriptor; if there is a reasonable Necromantic replacement of the same level, the fallen angel acquires it. The Angel described above lost access to Lesser restoration, remove disease, raise dead, and greater restoration and replaced these spell-like abilities with death knell, Contagion, slay living, and destruction.
Furthermore, if the fallen angel had the ability to cast divine spells as a cleric, druid, ranger, or paladin, much of this power is drastically reduced. A fallen angel immediately loses 7 levels of innate spellcasting ability. If this would reduce the ability to 0 or less levels, the ability is completely gone (although advancement can allow this ability to return, subject to the penalty described above). There is a 50% chance that the ability will be replaced by innate arcane spellcasting; such an alteration still suffers the loss of levels described above. Only the fallen’s spell access level suffers this penalty; the caster level remains the same. Thus a solar with a 17th level cleric spellcasting would be reduced to 10th level cleric spellcasting in terms of access to spells, though it would still be treated as a 17th level caster for the purpose of overcoming Spell
Resistance, spell variables, and so forth.
A fallen retains access to the same number of domains, but these are changed to more appropriate ones. The Depths Below offer Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Law, Trickery and War as general choices. Swearing fealty to a specific dark lord may allow access to other domains. The Good, Healing and Protection domains are always lost.
Special Qualities: The fallen angel loses any angelic choir traits. It replaces them with the traits of the fallen subtype, as detailed below:
- Darkvision out to 60 feet, and Low-Light Vision.
- Immunity to poison, and one of acid, electricity or fire.
- +4 racial bonus on saves against petrification.
- magic circle against good (Su): A magic circle against good always surrounds a fallen (caster level equals the fallen’s Hit Dice).
- Teleport (Sp): Fallen can use greater teleport at will, as the spell, except that the creature can transport only itself and up to 50 pounds of objects (caster level equals the fallen’s Hit Dice).
- Telepathy (Su): All fallen can communicate with any creature that has a language within 100 feet. This ability is always active.
- Cursed (Ex): Fallen have betrayed all they once stood for and have an unsettling nature about them. A fallen suffers a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks when interacting with good creatures, but gains a +2 bonus on all Intimidate checks.
- In the case of any other qualities not replaced as a result of losing the various choir traits and gaining fallen traits, replace any instances relating to good with the opposite. For example, damage reduction would lose the evil qualifier (since this is appropriate for good creatures) and gain the good qualifier instead. In the case of regeneration,
where evil weapons or spells previously dealt lethal damage, this would be replaced by good weapons or spells.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: All fallen angels suffer a -2 penalty to their Wisdom; however, all gain a +2 bonus to any one ability of choice save Wisdom.
Skills: Same as the base creature, adjusted for ability score changes.
Feats: Same as the base creature.
Challenge Rating: -2
Alignment: Always evil (any)
Advancement: Same as the base creature.