Stygira, (The Graeae)
![By Edward Burne-Jones - [1], Public Domain,, Stygira, (The Graeae)](
The Graeae were three sisters, the daughters of Phorcys, one aspect of the “old man of the sea,” and Ceto, and thus were among the Phorcydes, all of which were archaic beings either of the sea or chthonic deities. The Graeae took the form of three grey-haired old women.” Their age was so great that a childhood for them was hardly conceivable.
Their names are Deino (“dread”, the dreadful anticipation of horror), Enyo (“horror” the “waster of cities” who had an identity separate from this sisterhood) and Pemphredo (“alarm”). They had but one eye and one tooth among them. These were shared and the sisters took turns in using them. By stealing their eye while they were passing it between them, the hero Perseus forced them to tell the whereabouts of their sisters, the Gorgons, ransoming the seeing eye for the information.
Found in the sea and in overgrown lakes. Their flesh is sickly yellow, covered with warts and oozing sores. Its long, filthy hair resembles rotting seaweed. A sea hag is about the same height and weight as a female human.
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Gaunt and parched, this crone-like figure moves with the predatory jerkiness of a hunting vulture. Unnaturally tall and lean, her form is all cracked flesh and stony crevices spanning a wasteland of withered gray flesh. Shattered black teeth jut from a chapped, lipless mouth that stretches beneath a high, scarred brow devoid of nose or eyes.
Withered hermits wrapped in tattered black rags, these scarred, eyeless crones slip through the dark crevasses of both earth and time. Degenerate inheritors of the half remembered, collapsed cyclops civilizations, the stygiras – or stone witches, as they are often called command strange secrets of the earth and interpret the fateful energies of the depths. Ages of communion with the darkness and reliance upon alien magics have corrupted the stygiras from the primitive human witches their ancestors were countless ages ago, transforming them into a terrifying, debased breed infused with magics not their own. In many a savage land, these crones were once or are still worshiped as seers and demigods, weaving magic and communing with the earth to manipulate their servants into obeying their selfish and grotesque whims. In other realms, they haunt the night, prowling from their caves to feed upon the unwary or make alliances with those cruel and ambitious enough to believe their perverse counsel. Yet for all their perverse blasphemies and primitive desires, their powers to see what none should and reduce life to brittle stone proves enough to inspire dread and superstitious belief in nearly all who hear of the harsh stone witches. Stygiras on average stand 6-1/2 feet tall and weigh approximately 150 pounds.
Stygira CR 7 |
XP 3,200 LE Medium monstrous humanoid Init +7; Senses Blindsight 30 ft. (120 ft. with gem eye), Scent, true seeing with gem eye; Perception +23 |
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dexterity, +6 natural) hp 76 (8d10+32) Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +14 DR 10/adamantine; Immune gaze attacks, Paralysis, petrification; SR 18 Weaknesses light blindness |
Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +11 (1d4+3 plus stone curse) Special Attacks gem gaze, stone curse |
Strength 17, Dexterity 16, Constitution 18, Intelligence 17, Wisdom 22, Charisma 15 Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 24 Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Iron Will Skills Bluff +10, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Perception +23, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception (with gemstone) Languages Cyclops, Giant, Terran SQ gem eye |
Gem Eye (Su) Stygiras possess a special connection with gemstones. While holding or otherwise in contact with a gemstone of at least the size of a human eye, a stygira can see through the gemstone like a magical eye, viewing her surroundings as if her Blindsense extended to 120 feet and she were under the effects of true seeing, which grants her a +4 bonus on Perception checks. Gem Gaze (Su) Shaken for 1d4 rounds, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 16 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based. A stygira can only make use of this ability while holding a gemstone. Light Blindness (Ex) Despite their effective blindness, stygiras remain sensitive to light. Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds stygiras for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area. Stone Curse (Su) Any creature struck by a stygira’s claws must make a DC 18 Will save or be affected by a curse that gradually drains it of color, stiffens its joints, and finally turns the victim to stone. This curse proves frighteningly unpredictable, forcing another save against its effects every 1d3 hours. Any creature that is drained to 0 Dexterity or fails three saves against the curse is permanently petrified. Even if a creature is petrified and then restored to flesh, it is still affected by the curse and is petrified again upon failing its next save against the curse. A stone curse can only be removed in one of two ways: by casting remove curse or by spending a full hour in unobstructed natural sunlight. Magical radiance like daylight does not affect a stone curse, and remove curse does not return a petrified creature to flesh. The save DC is Constitution-based. Stone curse: Claw – curse; save Will DC 18; frequency 1/1d3 hours; effect 1d6 Dexterity damage, failing 3 saves results in petrification; cure casting remove curse or spending 1 hour in natural sunlight |
Environment temperate hills and underground Organization solitary, pair, or mystery (3-7) Treasure standard (typically gemstones) |
It is said that the stygiras draw their power from stone and from the darkness. Certainly they live their entire lives in the dark, traveling through intricate, maze-like caverns and the moonless sky with equal ease. They draw their sustenance from the base things they scrape from the earth – vermin, molds, lichens, and whatever fleshy things happen into their lairs. Although technically blind, stygiras have almost supernaturally keen hearing, taste, and touch, and so have no need for sight. What remains of the eyes that lurk as vestigial elements of their anatomy hide beneath the scarred flesh of their faces. While such remnant organs typically go unused, they can still detect the presence of light, an uncomfortable sensation that all stygiras take great pains to avoid. Stygiras can in fact travel under the skies, but they quickly become agoraphobic and retreat to the safety of shadowy canyons or caves as soon as possible. They avoid the sunlight hours, with most willing to face death in the darkness rather than take their chances venturing into the light. All stygiras are female; they are capable of reproducing with humanoids of nearly any species and always bearing three or more witheredand typically stillborn – stygira young. Yet stygiras make up for their appallingly low live birth and survival rates with unnaturally long lifespans. None can say how long stygiras who don’t meet their end by violence might live, but instances of stone witches living for 3 or more centuries are well documented.
Habitat & Society
Stygiras most commonly occupy lands near the phenomenally ancient tombs and monuments of the cyclops empires. While some of the crazed witches make the impossible claim that all stygira are the surviving mortal apprentices of primordial cyclops seers, saner minds posit that the predecessors of these crones were primitive human shamans and mystics who managed to tap into a degree of the fallen empires’ powers. Whatever the case, the connection between stygiras and the ancient cyclopes lingers in their shared language and the mad scrawls covering many of these hags’ lairs.
Stygira Gems
The cultic lore passed down from stygira to stygira tells of the existence of rare gems of might that grant special powers to the stone witch who bears them. In rare cases, stygiras have been encountered clutching ancient and frighteningly sculpted stones exhibiting weird powers; in even more extraordinary cases, they have borne a veritable arsenal of crystals. While all gemstones of significant size allow a stygira to make use of her gem eye and gem gaze abilities, a few rare gems alter the crones’ gaze abilities. These added abilities do not increase a stygira’s CR. The adjacent list of stones and abilities merely represent those few stones whose use has been documented after encounters with stygiras, and it is likely not all-inclusive. These effects function only for stygiras. Except where noted, new effects replace an ability’s typical effect.
Treat a stygira as an 8th-level caster for effects granting spell-like abilities. Also listed are the common values of crude, eye-sized gems of the following types.
Sample Stygira Gems | ||
Gem | Typical Value | Effect. |
Beryl | 25 gp | Gem gaze causes the sickened condition. |
Diamond | 1,500 gp | Gem gaze causes a charm monster effect that lasts for 1 hour. |
Jade | 50 gp | Cast poison as a spell-like ability 3/day. |
Opal | 100 gp | Cast stone shape as a spell-like ability 3/day. |
Painite | 1,750 gp | Erupts in a 8d6 fireball dealing acid damage if thrown |
Section 15: Copyright Notice – Pathfinder Adventure Path #33: The Varnhold Vanishing
Pathfinder Adventure Path #33: The Varnhold Vanishing. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Greg A. Vaughan.