Seelie/ Unseelie Template

Here are the templates and subtypes of the Seelie and Unseelie fey. The difference that I want you guys to realize is that, fey created with the templates are not truly Seelie/Unselie fey. They just gain these powers upon settling in the world of Faerie. The subtypes represent the true Seelie/Unseelie fey that were born on the Plane of Faerie.
Originally Posted by RAGNAROKISCOMING2007 of the Wizards Community forums.
Seelie Template
It is said when good fey die on the Mortal Coil, their souls end up in the Seelie on the plane of Faerie. Since they are not real seelie fey, they slightly weaker than true seelie fey.
This template can be applied to any neutral or good-aligned fey (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Size/Type: Unchanged
Hit Dice: Unchanged
Armor Class: The base creature gains a deflection bonus equal to ½ their Charisma modifier and apply it to their AC.
Special Attacks: The base creature retains its special attacks and gains the following:
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, the base creature can smite evil by adding its Charisma modifier to its attack rolls and its level to its damage rolls.
Smite Unseelie (Su): Once per day, the seelie fey can smite unseelie fey just as they smite evil, only this time the unseelie fey must succeed a Fortitude save DC (10+1/2 HD + seelie fey’s Charisma bonus) or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.
Spell-Like Abilities: A seelie fey with a Charisma score of 8 or higher has 2 or more spell-like abilities depending on its HD, as indicated below. The caster level of these
spells are equal to the seelie fey’s HD and the DC is Charisma-based. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day.
Hit Dice | Abilities |
1-2 | faerie fire 3/day, protection from evil 3/day |
3-4 | aid, Charm Person 3/day, detect evil(at will) |
5-6 | Cure serious wounds, Neutralize poison |
7-8 | holy smite, remove disease 3/day |
9-10 | Dispel Evil |
11-12 | Holy word, tree stride 3/day |
13-14 | hallow, holy aura 3/day |
15-16 | mass charm monster, mass Charm Person |
17-18 | heroes feast, summon monster IX (good fey only) |
19-20 | Unearthly Beauty |
Special Qualities: The base creature retains its special qualities and gains the following:
- –Darkvision 60 ft.
- -Damage reduction 10/cold iron and evil (if HD is 10 or less), 15/cold iron and evil (if HD is from 11 to 20), or 20/epic, cold iron, and evil (if HD is 21 or more).
- -Energy resistance 10 to acid, cold, and electricity
- -Immunity to disease
- -A seelie fey’s natural weapons are treated as magic and good for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
- –Spell Resistance 10+CR
- -+4 racial bonus against poison
- -+4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of feys
Abilities: Increase the base creature’s ability scores as follows:
Constitution +2, Dexterity+4, Wisdom+4, Charisma+4
Skills: Unchanged
Challenge Rating: HD 5 or less, as base creature +2; HD 6 to 10, as base creature +3; HD 11 or more, as base creature +4
Alignment: Same as base creature. Any good.
Level Adjustment: +5
Unseelie Template
It is said when evil fey die on the Mortal Coil, their souls end up in the Unseelie on the plane of Faerie. Since they are not real unseelie fey, they slightly weaker than true unseelie
fey. This template can be applied to any neutral or evil-aligned fey (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Size/Type: Unchanged
Hit Dice: Unchanged
Armor Class: The base creature gains a deflection bonus equal to ½ their Charisma modifier and apply it to their AC.
Special Attacks: The base creature retains its special attacks and gains the following:
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the base creature can smite good by adding its Charisma modifier to its attack rolls and its level to its damage rolls.
Smite Seelie (Su): Once per day, the unseelie fey can smite seelie fey just as they smite good, only this time the seelie fey must succeed a Fortitude save DC (10+1/2 HD + unseelie fey’s Charisma bonus) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds.
Spell-Like Abilities: An unseelie fey with a Charisma score of 8 or higher has 2 or more spell-like abilities depending on its HD, as indicated below. The caster level
of these spells are equal to the unseelie fey’s HD and the DC is Charisma-based. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day.
Hit Dice | Abilities |
1-2 | darkness 3/day, faerie fire 3/day, protection from good 3/day |
3-4 | Charm Person 3/day, desecrate, detect evil(at will) |
5-6 | inflict serious wounds, Neutralize poison 3/day |
7-8 | poison 3/day, remove disease |
9-10 | Dispel Good |
11-12 | blasphemy, tree stride 3/day |
13-14 | unhallow, unholy aura 3/day |
15-16 | mass charm monster, mass charm person, unholy blight |
17-18 | summon monster IX (evil fey only) |
19-20 | destruction |
Special Qualities: The base creature retains its special qualities and gains the following:
- –Darkvision 60 ft.
- -Damage reduction 10/cold iron and good (if HD is 10 or less), 15/cold iron and good (if HD is from 11 to 20), or 20/epic, cold iron, and good (if HD is 21 or more).
- -Energy resistance 10 to acid, cold, and fire
- -Immunity to poison
- -A unseelie fey’s natural weapons are treated as magic and evil for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
- –Spell Resistance 10+CR
- -+4 racial bonus against disease
- -+4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of feys
Abilities: Increase the base creature’s ability scores as follows:
Constitution +2, Dexterity+4, Wisdom+4, Charisma+4
Skills: Unchanged
Challenge Rating: HD 5 or less, as base creature +2; HD 6 to 10, as base creature +3; HD 11 or more, as base creature +4
Alignment: Same as base creature. Any evil.
Level Adjustment: +5
Seelie and Unseelie subtypes
Seelie subtype
Seelie fey are the archenemies of the unseelie fey. They make their homes on the plane of Faerie, but most specifically the Seelie Court. They are sometimes considered to be cruel, based upon the facts of them kidnapping humans to enjoy their feasts. Seelie fey often get offended when their “guests” want to leave. All in all, the seelie fey mean no harm and are actually good creatures who strive to destroy evil –first in the Unseelie Court and then the entire cosmos. Seelie fey have a celestial look to them and are often glowing with bright lights and they appear kind and gentle. They can however, become fierce when faced with the threat of evil invading their homeland.
Seelie fey have the following traits:
- –Darkvision 60 ft.
- -Energy resistance 10 to acid and electricity.
- -Immunity to electricity, Paralysis, petrification, poison, and sleep.
- -+4 racial bonus against disease and enchantments.
- -+4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of feys
- -Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, the seelie fey can smite evil by adding its Charisma modifier to its attack rolls and its level to its damage rolls.
- -Smite Uneelie (Su): Once per day, the seelie fey can smite unseelie fey just as they smite good, only this time the unseelie fey must succeed a Fortitude save DC (10+1/2 HD + unseelie fey’s Charisma bonus) or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.
- -Seelie fey are naturally resistant to magic. They have Spell Resistance equal to 12+CR
- -Seelie fey are a lot stronger than their Material Plane counter parts. Their base attack bonus is equal to ¾ their total HD (as cleric).
- -Telepathy 100 ft.
- -They gain the extraplanar subtype.
Seelie fey speak Celestial, Common, and Sylvan languages.
Unseelie subtype
Unseelie fey are the cruel archenemies of the seelie fey. They make their homes on the plane of Faerie, but most specifically the Unseelie Court. These evil feys spend much of their time on wild hunts, in which they hunt down mortals they’ve kidnapped. The more powerful unseelie fey also join in on the hunts, but spend much of their time in their abodes scheming up ways to destroy and take over the Seelie Court. Unseelie fey appear much like regular fey except they have a dark and corrupted look to them.
Unseelie fey have the following traits:
- –Darkvision 60 ft.
- -Energy resistance 10 to acid and fire.
- -Immunity to cold, Paralysis, petrification, poison, and sleep.
- -+4 racial bonus against disease and enchantments.
- -+4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of feys.
- -Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the unseelie fey can smite good by adding its Charisma modifier to its attack rolls and its level to its damage rolls.
- -Smite Seelie (Su): Once per day, the unseelie fey can smite seelie fey just as they smite good, only this time the seelie fey must succeed a Fortitude save DC (10+1/2 HD + unseelie fey’s Charisma bonus) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds.
- -Unseelie fey are naturally resistant to magic. They have Spell Resistance equal to 12+CR
- -Unseelie fey are a lot stronger than their Material Plane counter parts. Their base attack bonus is equal to ¾ their total HD (as cleric).
- -Telepathy 100 ft.
- -They gain the extraplanar subtype.
Unseelie fey speak Abyssal, Common, Infernal, and Sylvan languages.