Dinosaur, Clidastes

Clidastes is a sea lizard in the mosasaur family.
Clidastes was the smallest of the mosasaurs, averaging 2-4 meters (7-12 feet) in length, with the largest specimens reaching 6.2 meters (20 feet) long.
Clidastes is an agile and fast swimmer that cruised the surface or shallow waters hunting for fish, flying reptiles and anything that got too close. It possessed a delicate and slim form with an expansion of the neural spines and chevrons near the tip of the tail and this enabled it to chase down the fastest of prey.
Originally Posted by Bhu of the Wizards Community forums.
Clidastes | |
Large animal (Aquatic) | |
Hit Dice | 7d8+14 (45 hp) |
Initiative | +6 |
Speed | 50 ft. (10 squares) |
Armor Class | 16 (-1 Size, +2 Dexterity, +5 Natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +5/+12 |
Attack | Bite +8 melee (1d10+5) |
Full Attack | Bite +8 melee (1d10+5) |
Space/Reach | 10 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Improved Grab, Swallow Whole |
Special Qualities | none |
Saves | Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3 |
Abilities | Strength 17, Dexterity 15, Constitution 13, Intelligence 2, Wisdom 12, Charisma 2 |
Skills | Listen + 5, Spot +7, Swim +10 |
Feats | Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative |
Environment | Warm Aquatic |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 3 |
Treasure | None |
Alignment | Always Neutral |
Advancement | 8-10 HD (Large), 11-12 HD (Huge) |
Level Adjustment | — |
Improved Grab (Ex) If the Clidastes hits an opponent up t oone size smaller with its Bite attack it may initiate a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it is successful it may use its Swallow Whole ability.
Swallow Whole (Ex) The swallowed creature takes 1d6+5 points of bludgeoning damage and 5 points of acid damage per round from the Clidastes stomach. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or peircing weapon to deal 10 points of damage to the stomach (AC 13). Once the creature exits muscular action closes the hole, other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.
Skills The Clidastes has a +8 Racial Bonus on Swim checks