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John Wesley Hardin, “Outlaw Gunslinger of the Wild West.”

John Wesley Hardin
  • Alias: None
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Occupation: Outlaw, Gunslinger
  • Religion: Methodist
  • Allies: Various fellow outlaws and gunslingers
  • Enemies: Law enforcement, rival gunslingers, and anyone who posed a threat to his reputation or interests
  • Abode/Base of Operations: Often on the move, residing in different towns and hideouts across the American West
  • Nationality: American
  • Languages: English
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Affiliation(s): Associated with outlaw gangs and factions operating in the Wild West
  • Significant Others: Jane Bowen (first wife), Callie Lewis (common-law wife), and other romantic interests throughout his life

John Wesley Hardin was a legendary figure of the American Old West. He grew up in a volatile era filled with lawlessness and violence. From a young age, Hardin displayed a natural talent with firearms and a fierce determination to survive in a harsh and unforgiving environment.

As a character, Hardin was driven by a strong sense of self-preservation and a desire for personal gain. He was known for his quick temper and a propensity for getting involved in disputes. In his pursuit of power and respect, Hardin became embroiled in numerous conflicts, often finding himself at odds with law enforcement and rival gunslingers.

Hardin’s reputation as a gunslinger was built upon his exceptional skill with a revolver. He honed his marksmanship through years of practice and developed a lightning-fast draw that struck fear into the hearts of his adversaries. With a steely gaze and a calm demeanor, he would face down his opponents with unwavering confidence, ready to unleash his lethal accuracy upon them.

However, behind his tough exterior, Hardin carried the weight of a troubled past. He had been involved in several altercations, including deadly shootouts, which left a trail of bloodshed in his wake. Haunted by his actions, Hardin sought redemption and a chance to leave behind his violent past. Yet, the allure of the Wild West and the temptation of power often drew him back into the fray.

Physically, Hardin was a tall and lean figure, with sharp features and piercing eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of a hardened life. He wore the attire of a gunslinger, donning a weathered hat, a well-worn duster coat, and a gun belt adorned with a deadly arsenal of weapons. His appearance exuded a sense of danger and unpredictability, reflecting the turbulent nature of the world he inhabited.

In the present moment, John Wesley Hardin can be found roaming the dusty streets of a lawless frontier town, his eyes scanning the horizon for any hint of trouble. His surroundings are a blend of wooden buildings, saloons filled with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses, and the ever-present tension that hangs in the air. Hardin’s mood is a mix of cautious vigilance and a simmering intensity, as he knows that danger could arise at any moment.

Driven by his desire for recognition and a thirst for power, John Wesley Hardin continues to navigate the treacherous landscape of the Wild West, leaving a lasting mark on the pages of history as one of the most infamous and formidable gunslingers of his time.

John Wesley Hardin

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 110 (15d8 + 45) Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3)18 (+4)16 (+3)14 (+2)12 (+1)16 (+3)

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +7 Senses passive Perception 15 Languages Common Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)


Revolver. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 40/120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Quick Draw. John Wesley Hardin can draw his revolver as part of the same action used to make a melee or ranged attack.

Fan the Hammer. Once per turn, when John Wesley Hardin hits a target with his revolver, he can spend a bonus action to make an additional ranged attack against the same target.

Deadly Aim (Recharge 5-6). John Wesley Hardin takes careful aim before firing. On his next turn, his first revolver attack deals an extra 14 (4d6) piercing damage.


Uncanny Dodge. When John Wesley Hardin is targeted by an attack that he can see, he can use his reaction to halve the attack’s damage against him.


Revolver, Cowboy Hat, Boots, Bandana


Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If John Wesley Hardin fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.

Dead Eye. John Wesley Hardin has advantage on attack rolls against any target he can see.

Gunslinger’s Fortitude. John Wesley Hardin has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

Currently in the World

John Wesley Hardin, known as the deadliest gunslinger of the Wild West, stands tall with an imposing presence. His dark eyes hold a piercing gaze, and his mustache complements his rugged face. Dressed in his trademark cowboy hat, boots, and bandana, he exudes an air of confidence and danger.

Currently, John Wesley Hardin roams the lawless frontier, seeking both adventure and personal glory. With his trusty revolver at his side, he upholds his own sense of justice, walking the line between lawman and outlaw. His actions are driven by a desire for freedom, a thirst for adventure, and a reputation that precedes him.

As he surveys his surroundings, John Wesley Hardin remains vigilant, ever watchful for threats that may emerge. His quick draw and deadly aim make him a formidable opponent, and his ability to read situations and react swiftly ensures his survival in the untamed wilderness.

With each encounter, John Wesley Hardin leaves his mark on the history of the Wild West, solidifying his reputation as a gunslinger without equal. Legends are told of his unparalleled skill and unwavering resolve, painting him as a true embodiment of the rugged, lawless era he inhabits.

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