Bard, Alderman

In every society there are people who want to help others. Those who spend their off time working for the benefit of their fellow citizens. These individuals become involved in local politics, act as patrons for small arts and assist with the day-to-day running of the local communities.
The Quintessential Bard
Author Shannon Kalvar
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
These people are called aldermen. They hail from all walks of life; merchants and bakers, poets and priests. Of them all though only the bard brings his unique brand of social skills, variable abilities and gifts to the role. A bard alderman can converse easily with labourers, then go and sit at the table of the king to discuss the issues of the day. He can discuss magical theory with the local street magician, have a drink with the Thieves Guild front man and spend the afternoon chatting up a barmaid without breaking stride.
An alderman is defined by his involvement with his community. His leadership (formally recognised or not) guides the community in times of peace and war. In return for his effort he can expect support from his people and assistance in times of need.
Adventuring: The adventuring alderman is not a contradiction in terms. These strongly community focused bards find adventure waiting for them in every challenge their homes face. When there is a need to pick up sword and spell they do so. An alderman’s adventurous activities focus on solving problems for his people. As such, they make some of the most effective urban adventurers.
Role-Playing: Aldermen have two primary traits: an insatiable interest in the affairs of others and an ability to communicate that interest in such as way as to avoid offending their constituents. In some this comes across as a kind of busy body mentality. Others manage to project confidence and caring so well that people flock to them just to talk.
Benefits: Each alderman selects one home-town, which may be an area, city, town, village, or even hamlet. Aldermen receive a +4 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Bardic Lore and Knowledge (Area) skill checks when dealing with people in their home or attempting to remember facts about it. Additionally they may take 10 on a Profession or Perform roll in their home to determine how much income they have over a given week.
Penalties: Aldermen must take responsibility for the goings on in their communities. If they are gone for more than one month, or for more than five months of any given year, they lose the benefits of being an alderman until they regain the trust of their friends.