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City Dweller

City Dweller, el born, alley, village-5301517.jpg

The city dweller heeded the calls of the lone remnants of the once great wilderness and has chosen to remain in the walls of the city to guard it. Though he knows it will never be as it once was, the city dweller is persistent.

The Quintessential Druid
Author Robin O. Duke
Series The Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002

They are found in the back streets, peddling herbal remedies and simple plants. Often they know a city as well as any rogue, having haunted its corners and hidden places, where few tread, searching for those fading embers of nature’s power. On rooftops, in sewers, they grow plants and small shrubs. They hang bird feeders by the well and leave morsels for foxes, rats and other animals. They can even be found active in the city’s politics and underground, petitioning the burgomaster to plant small gardens and open parks. A city in which the city dweller works is greener and more alive because of his contribution, more prosperous as the ancient ties to nature bolster the spirit of even the city’s human inhabitants.

Benefits: A city dweller has learnt many of the city’s ways in an attempt to survive. He may add Gather Information (Charisma) to his druid skill list.

Penalties: A city dweller must start the game with an animal companion suitable to a city environment, a rat or fox etc. In addition, the character suffers a -2 penalty to all Animal Empathy checks made with creatures that do not make their home in a city, as they can smell the humanity on him.

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