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Tonic of Wondrous Dreams

A Dream of a Girl Before a Sunrise c. 1830–33 by Karl Bryullov (1799–1852), Tonic of Wondrous Dreams
A Dream of a Girl Before a Sunrise c. 1830–33 by Karl Bryullov (1799–1852)

This shimmering brew is attuned to the dreams of a specific individual.

Occult Lore
Author Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott Reeves, and Elton Robb
Series Lore
Publisher Atlas
Publish date 2002

A sip of the potion will cause the imbiber to fall into a deep slumber and enter the dreams of the creature that the potion is attuned to – this is similar to dreamwalking, but with no chance of error. A bottle of the tonic usually contains six doses of the potion – this allows a single individual to return to the same dream world several times, or multiple people to travel to a single dream.

Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, dreamwalking; Market Price: 1,200 gp

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