The Gargoyle’s Tales

Ink & Quill
Author Thomas Knauss
Series Dragonwing Games/Bastion Press
Publisher DWBP
Publish date 2002
Easily one of the strangest and most difficult magical books to acquire, the book occasionally appears in the company of architects and engineers. On first glance, the book seems to be a fictional work describing a multitude of events witnessed by a gargoyle affixed to a temple’s roof. Yet, magical writing concealed within the text bestows the gargoyle’s Freeze ability on the reader. The recipient can hold herself still to appear as a statue. An observer only notices that she is alive on a successful Spot check (DC 20).
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, statue; Market Price: 32,000 gp; Weight: 7 lb.