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Sky Clad Oil

By Luis Ricardo Falero -, Public Domain,, Sky Clad Oil
By Luis Ricardo Falero –, Public Domain,

This oil is rubbed on the body to protect the user from the elements while sky-clad (nude). The oil is only effective on bare skin.

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

The user can survive temperatures of -60 degrees to +200 degrees Fahrenheit, but only when uncovered. Any part of her body covered by clothes will not receive the magical protection. Any other class can use this oil, but witches are very secretive about its nature (reflected in the price). This oil can also safely used with any other type of body potion or oil, in particular Flying Ointment.

The oil’s effects last 6 hours, typically midnight till dawn.

Caster Level: 1st Venefica (3rd for all others); Prerequisites: Brew Potion, endure elements, spellcaster level 1st +; Market Price: 200gp.

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