
Resembling an artist’s portfolio, this thin leather-bound book contains ten sketches of an assortment of unique items.
Ink & Quill
Author Thomas Knauss
Series Dragonwing Games/Bastion Press
Publisher DWBP
Publish date 2002
Reading the book has no effect, however whenever a page is torn from the book and tossed to the ground, the page transforms into the sketched item.
Although the sketches vary slightly, the majority of these unusual books contain the following sketches.
- Ladder: 20 ft. long wooden rung ladder
- Disguise kit: The Disguise kit adds a +2 bonus to disguise checks
- Rowboat: 10 ft. long, 4 ft. wide rowboat with two oars
- Water jug: 2 gallon jug of clean, fresh water
- Crow bar: 2 ft. long iron bar
- Portable ram: Adds a +2 circumstance bonus to breaking open doors
- Masterwork thieves’ tools: Adds a +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device and Open Locks checks.
- Tent: Sleeps two humanoids
- Cold Weather Outfit: Adds a +5 circumstance bonus against cold exposure
- Alchemist’s Fire: Hurled as a grenadelike weapon causing fire damage
All of the items are permanent, but they cannot be restored to paper form.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Market Value: 11,250 gp; Weight: 1 lb.