Satchel of Concealment

Relics & Rituals: Excalibur
© 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studios by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
By Evan Jamieson, Lizard, Aaron Rosenberg, Christina Stiles and Relics & Rituals: Excalibur team
This looks like a normal, if well-made, leather satchel. It actually has two different compartments, however, each one the size of a normal satchel. Only one side can be opened at a time, and it always appears as if that compartment fills the satchel’s interior completely. The owner of the satchel can open the first side, but anyone else can only open the second. This allows the owner to hide things safely within the satchel. The owner can also open the second side if he chooses, effectively giving him twice as much space a normal satchel. The item weighs the same as a normal satchel, and even if both sides are full it only weighs as much as one normal full satchel.. In order to transfer ownership, the previous owner must open the first side and then hand the satchel to someone else.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th;Craft Wondrous Item; secret chest; Price 2000 gp; Weight 1 lb.