Gauntlets of Transition

A character who possesses one of these heavy leather gloves can use the enchantment of the gauntlet to transport an object with her into her dreams.
Occult Lore
Author Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott Reeves, and Elton Robb
Series Lore
Publisher Atlas
Publish date 2002
The gauntlet itself is a transient item, and it temporarily transfers this enchantment to any object the owner is holding with it; thus, if a character falls asleep while holding an object with the gauntlet, that object vanishes along with the gauntlet and will appear in her dreams. This power even extends to living creatures, and can allow the wearer to bring friends with her into her dreams. However, the effect only lasts while the object remains in contact with the gauntlet; if the wearer lets go of the item in the dream, it will vanish and reappear in the waking world, next to the sleeping character.
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, 8+ ranks of Lucid Dreaming, spellcaster level 6+; Market Price: 1,800 gp; Weight: –