Cubic Gate

This item is fashioned from carnelian. Each of the six sides of the cube is keyed to a plane, one of which is the Material Plane. The character creating the item should choose the planes to which the other five sides are keyed.
If a side of the cubic gate is pressed once, it opens a gate to a random point on the plane keyed to that side. There is a 10% chance per minute that an outsider from that plane (determine randomly) comes through it looking for food, fun, or trouble. Pressing the side a second time closes the gate. It is impossible to open more than one gate at a time.
If a side is pressed twice in quick succession, the character so doing is transported to a random point on the other plane, along with all creatures in adjacent squares. (The other creatures may avoid this fate by succeeding on DC 23 Will saves).
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Price 164,000 gp.