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Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

This nine-foot long cord in often worn around the waist as a belt. Magical varieties confer +1 to +5 luck bonuses to AC. The material to make this cord maybe anything the witch has on hand (leather, hemp rope, cotton, silk) but the manufacture must be of high quality. The cingulum typically has a number of knots equal to its bonuses. The magic does not become active till it is wrapped around the waist and knotted.

BonusCaster LevelMarket Price
+12nd1,000 gp
+24th2,000 gp
+36th3,500 gp
+48th5,000 gp
+510th7,000 gp

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Cord. Any protection spell, Bless. Caster level: 2nd to 10th Market Price 750gp per caster level.