Wheel Scythe

A wheel scythe is a specially constructed wheel with a wide middle hub.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Mounted on either side of the hub are long blades, protruding out from the hub perpendicular to the wheel. The blades are twisted in a gentle curve, built to maximise the effective cutting area. Though useless as a defensive measure, the blades of a wheel scythe make a devastatingly effective weapon.
A cart, chariot or wagon equipped with a wheel scythe can be used to make a Ride-By Attack against a foe, with a 4 penalty for the unwieldiness of the attack. The driver speeds his vehicle past an enemy, sweeping close enough that the spinning, whirring blades strike the foe with the full force of the vehicle’s forward momentum. Anyone struck by a wheel scythe as it speeds past is subject to 2d6 points of damage from the deadly blades, plus 1d3 points of damage for every ten feet of the vehicle’s movement speed beyond ten. For example, a chariot travelling at a speed of 30 would deal 2d6+2d3 points of damage with a successful wheel scythe attack. Any creature that is size Large or smaller who is struck by a wheel scythe attack must succeed in a Reflex save (DC 15) or be thrown to the ground by the force of the blow. Creatures bigger than Large are immune to this. In the case of a waggon or other two-axle vehicle which has wheel scythes mounted on both axles, the driver may make a second attack roll for the second axle as it passes the target, though this roll suffers a 8 penalty. Creatures rendered prone by the first attack are immune to the second attack, as the blades pass harmlessly over them. A wheel scythe has a critical threat range of 20 and deals x3 damage on a successful critical attack.
Wheel scythes can be made with permanently mounted blades, or, for an additional cost, can be made with removable blades. Attaching or detaching removable blades takes two minutes with the proper tools. A removed wheel scythe blade cannot be used as a melee weapon, as it lacks any kind of hilt or grip.
- Wheel Scythe (Permanent Blades): 75 gp/wheel
- Wheel Scythe (Removable Blades): 150 gp/wheel