Water Sleigh

Looking like an odd cross between a boat and a sled, the water sleigh is constructed of a thick body of oilskin stretched over a sturdy wooden frame.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
The front of the water sleigh is designed like the blunt prow of a ship, rising higher than any of the other sides. A wooden bench seat is mounted in the front, just behind the prow. The cargo area of the water sleigh, about two-thirds as large as that of a standard waggon, occupies the rest of the sleigh. The water sleigh is designed to be pulled through the water by one or more aquatic beasts, harnessed to traces in the front of the water sleigh just as horses would be harnessed to a normal sleigh. The speed of the water sleigh is dictated by the speed of the animals pulling it, though any speed faster than 60 threatens to capsize the water sleigh, spilling its contents and occupants into the water. Amara Nacheres has considered selling animals trained to pull the sleigh, but has not yet begun to do so. In the meantime, she delights in telling potential customers about the wizard who purchased one of these sleighs, and has it pulled about by a water elemental.
Water Sleigh: 50 gp; 300 lb.