Sea Ram

Usually forged of bronze, a ram is an enormous curved beak attached to the prow of a ship, just below the waterline. It is used to stave in the hull of an enemy ship by striking it head-on at top speed.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
An offensive weapon only, a ram must be used by the attacking vessel, with must strike the target vessel head-on, requiring the captain of the attacking vessel to make a Profession (sailor) skill check (DC 15) to succeed. A successful hit does damage based upon the mass of the ship using the ram in combat. For every ten feet of the attacking ship’s length, the ram does 1d4 damage to the other ship’s hull. Thus, a 100-foot long warship would deal 10d4 damage on any ship it struck with its ram while moving at top speed.
A ship must be at least 40 feet in length to support the awesome weight of a ram.
Sea Ram: 4,000 gp