![By Sebastião Lópes (15??–1596)[1] - Wikimedia Commons – cropped, Public Domain,, Carrack](
A carrack is a three-masted sailing ship, being square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast and lateen-rigged on the mizzenmast. It has a high rounded stern with an aftcastle, a forecastle, and a bowsprit on the stem. The superstructures (mentioned before) are relatively large for the carracks size; making it prone to toppling in strong winds. A typical three-masted carrack has six sails, namely a bowsprit, foresail, mizzen, spritsail, and two topsails. Carracks are a relatively advanced design and not every seafaring people have the skills or knowledge to build them.
Carracks are ocean-going ships; large enough to be stable in heavy seas and roomy enough to carry provisions for long voyages.
Carrack: Colossal vehicle; seaworthiness +4; Ship-handling +1, Speed wind × 30. (average); Overall AC -3; Hull sections 32 (sink 8 sections); section HP 80 (hardness 5); Section AC 3; Rigging Sections 3; Rigging hp 80 (hardness 0), AC 1; Ram 5d6; Mounts 4 light and 2 heavy; space 120 ft. by 40 ft.; Height 10 ft. (draft 10 ft.); Complement 50; Watch 15; Cargo 480 tons (Speed wind × 15 ft. if 120 tons or more); Cost 17,500 gp.