Alchemical Dragon

This ship is made of wood and is usually crafted in the shape of a dragon. It is held aloft purely by its alchemical engine, a complicated and dangerous device that has a tendency to explode when the vehicle becomes wrecked.
If an alchemical dragon crashes and the alchemical dragon has a driver, that driver can make a DC 30 driving check as an immediate action. If the check fails, the alchemical engine explodes, dealing 10d10 points of fire damage to all objects and creatures within a 60-foot radius of the alchemical engine. A DC 20 Reflex save halves the damage.
An alchemical dragon can carry up to 20 tons of cargo or 70 passengers.
Alchemical Dragon |
Colossal air vehicle Squares 60 (20 ft. by 75 ft.); Cost 100,000 gp |
AC 2; Hardness 5 hp 900 (449) Base Save +0 |
Maximum Speed 100 ft.; Acceleration 30 ft. CMB +8; CMD 18 Ramming Damage 8d8 |
Propulsion alchemical (6 squares of alchemical engines in the middle of the ship; hardness 8, hp 120) Driving Check Craft (alchemy) or Knowledge (arcana) +10 to the DC Forward Facing the ship’s forward Driving Device steering wheel Driving Space the nine squares around the steering wheel that sits at the front of the ship Crew 10 Decks 1 Weapons Up to 6 Large direct-fire siege engines in banks of 3 positioned on the port and starboard sides of the alchemical dragon, or up to 4 Huge direct-fire siege engines in banks of two on the port and starboard sides of the ship. The siege engines may only fire out the sides of the ship they are positioned on. They cannot be swiveled to fire toward the forward or aft sides of the ship. |
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