Profession (Wisdom; Trained Only)

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Like Craft, Knowledge, and Perform, Profession is actually a number of separate skills. You could have several Profession skills, each with its own ranks, each purchased as a separate skill. While a Craft skill represents ability in creating or making an item, a Profession skill represents an aptitude in a vocation requiring a broader range of less specific knowledge.
Check: You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning about half your Profession check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated work. You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the profession’s daily tasks, how to supervise helpers, and how to handle common problems.
Action: Not applicable. A single check generally represents a week of work.
Try Again: Varies. An attempt to use a Profession skill to earn an income cannot be retried. You are stuck with whatever weekly wage your check result brought you. Another check may be made after a week to determine a new income for the next period of time. An attempt to accomplish some specific task can usually be retried.
Untrained: Untrained laborers and assistants (that is, characters without any ranks in Profession) earn an average of 1 silver piece per day.
Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
The witch can use many of her skills to earn a living. Witches often learn a trade as a local alchemist, healer, mid-wife, or even scholar.
Category | Sub-Category | Specific Occupations |
Agriculture | farmer | ackerman, cowherd, crofter, dairymaid, dung carter, farmer, Freibauer, gardener, goatherd, hawker, hayward, Herder, horse trainer, ostler, Peasant, plowman, reaper, Serf, sheepshearer, shepherd, swineherd, thresher, tillerman, Vintner, Woodcutter, woolcomber, woolman, Yeoman |
Agriculture | Hunter | climmer, falconer, fewterer, forester, fowler, gamekeeper, hawker, hunter, huntsman, master of hounds, molecatcher, parker, rat catcher, sperviter, trapper |
Aquaculture | fisherman | fisherman, leech-collector, oyster raker, oysterer, seaweed harvester |
Artist | Visual Art | Artist, artisan, artist’s model, fresco painter, glasspainter, illuminator, limner, painter, sculptor |
Artist | Literary Art | Artist, composer, illuminator, limner, playwright, poet, writer |
Craftsman | Most common types in Paris, in order from most to least common | shoemaker, furrier, tailor, jeweler, pastrycook, mason, carpenter, weaver, chandler, cooper, baker, scabbard maker, hatmaker, saddler, chicken butcher, purse maker, meat butcher, buckle maker, blacksmith, roofer, locksmith, ropemaker, tanner, rugmaker, harness maker, bleacher, cutler, glover |
Craftsman | Leatherworker | bottelier, cobbler, cordwainer, currier, girdler, lorimer, malemaker, saddler, scabbard maker, shoemaker, tanner, thonger, vaginarius, |
Craftsman | Armorer or Weaponsmith | armorsmith, arrowsmith, blacksmith, bladesmith, bowyer, fletcher, grinder (occupation), gunsmith, gunstocker, knifesmith, lancier, linen-armorer, mailmaker, merchant taylor, poleturner, scythesmith, stringer, swordsmith, vaginarius, weaponsmith |
Craftsman | Smith | Blacksmith, blacksmith’s striker, brightsmith, bronzefounder, buckle maker, coppersmith, farrier, foundryman, goldbeater, knifesmith, locksmith, redsmith, scythesmith, silversmith, smelter, smith, swordsmith, spooner, spurrer, tinker, tinsmith, Weaponsmith |
Craftsman | Miscellaneous | accoutrement maker, alabasterer, architect, arkwright, Artisan, Baker, balancemaker, basketmaker, beekeeper, beerbrewer, bellfounder, bellmaker, besom maker, billier, bleacher, blockcutter, bodger, bog iron hunter, bonecarver, bookbinder, bookprinter, brazier (occupation), brewer, bricker, bricklayer, broderer, broom-dasher, brushbinder, builder, Butcher, buttonmaker, cabinetmaker, Calligrapher, campaner, canvasser, carder, cardmaker, Carpenter, Cartographer, cartwright, chainmaker, chandler, charcoalburner, cheesemaker, chicken butcher, clockmaker, clothier, coiner, combmaker, compasssmith, confectioner, Cooper, corsetier, cutler, delver, diamantaire, disher, draper, drycooper, drywaller, dyer, embroiderer, engraver, fabricshearer, feltmaker, fewtrer, fuller, furniture maker, furrier, gemcutter, gilder, glassblower, glazier, glover, gravedigger, grinder (occupation), Guild Master, hacker, harness maker, hatmaker, hatter, horner, ivorist, Jeweler, joiner, knacker, knapper, lacemaker, lampwright, lanternmaker, lapidary, latoner, leadworker, limeburner, limner, linen-armorer, linener, linenspinner, lutemaker, luthier, mailer, mapmaker, marler, marleywoman, Mason, master builder, meat butcher, Miller, milliner, miner, miniaturist, minter, mintmaster, moneyer, mirrorer, nailmaker, nedeller, netmaker, oilmaker, papermaker, parchmenter, pasteler, pattenmaker, Perfumer, pewterer, physician, pinmaker, plasterer, plattner, plumber, pointer, pot mender, potter, printer, purser, purse maker, quarryman, quilter, rectifier, reedmaker, roofer, roper, ropemaker, rugmaker, rugweaver, sailmaker, saltboiler, salter, sawyer, seamstress, shingler, shipwright, siever, silkmaid, silk-dresser, silk-maker, silk-mercer, silk-dyer, silk-carder, Spinner/spinster, stonecarver, stonecutter, Stonemason, tailor, tallowchandler, tapestrymaker, tapicer, tasseler, tenter, thacker, threadmaker, tile-burner, tile-theeker, tile maker, treen maker, turner, typefounder, upholder, vintner, waxchandler, Weaver, webber, wheeler, wheelwright, wiredrawer, woodcarver, woodcutter, woodturner |
Criminal | Thief | Bandit, Boothaler, Burglar, Charlatan, Conman, Cutpurse, Diver (criminal), Highwayman, Fence (criminal), Footpad, Pickpocket, Poacher, Quack, Shill, Silk-snatcher, Thimblerigger |
Criminal | Prostitute | Bawd, Camp Follower, Courtesan, Prostitute, Stewsman, |
Entertainer | Musician | Bard, fiddler, harper, jongleur, lutenist, Meistersinger, minnesinger, Minstrel, Musician, nakerer, piper, Singer, |
Entertainer | Actor, Bard, barker, bear-ward, Dancer, fool, Jester, Juggler, mummer, player (actor), playwright, Poet, Skald, Storyteller, Trobairitz, Troubadour, tumbler | |
Government | Ale-Conner, Bailiff, Captain of the Guard, Castellan, Catchpole, Chamberlain, Chancellor, Chancery Clerk, Cofferer, Coin-Stamper, Constable, Coroner, Diplomat, Emperor, Exchequer, Hayward, Herald, Jailer, Judge, Keeper of the Privy Seal, Keeper of the Rolls, Keeper of the Wardrobe, King, Knight, Lady, Landed Gentry, landlord, Liner, Lord High Steward, marshal, Master of the Revels, Pinder, Noble, Nobleman, Prince, Pursuivant, Reeve, Seneschal, Sheriff, Steward, Summoner (law), Tax Collector, Toll Keeper, Town Crier, Treasurer, Watchman, Woodward | |
Government | standard Noble Ranks, in order from most to least powerful: | Emperor/Empress, King/Queen, Archduke/Archduchess, Prince/Princess, Marquess, Count/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, Baron/Baroness, Baronet/Baronetess, Knight/Dame, Esquire |
Medicine | alchemist, apothecary, barber-chirurgeon, chirurgeon, cunning man, doctor, leech, leech-collector, midwife, nurse, pissprophet, sawbones, surgeon, toad doctor, wise woman | |
Merchant | acater, alewife, apothecary, banker, beer seller, bog iron hunter, boothman, chapman, collier, colporteur, costermonger, drover, eggler, fishmonger, fruiterer, fruitier, fueller, glass seller, greengrocer, grocer, Guild Master, harberdasher, hay merchant, hetheleder, innkeeper, ironmonger, lighterman, linen-draper, mercer, milkmaid, oil merchant, old-clothes dealer, oynter, peddler, pie seller, plumer, poulter, ragpicker, shrimper, skinner, spice merchant, spicer, stationer, taverner, thresher, unguentary, waferer, waterseller, weirkeeper, wine seller, wood seller, woodmonger, wool stapler | |
Military | Soldier | Arbalestier, Archer, Argolet, Bodyguard, Bowman, Captain, Captain of the Guard, Crossbowman, Drummer, Guardsman, Halberdier, Knifeman, Knight, Mercenary, Militia, Pikeman, Scout, Sergeant, Sergeant-at-arms, Spearman, Spy, Squire, Viking, Watchman |
Military | Siege Engineer | Cannoneer, Pioneer (siege), Sapper, Siege Engineer |
Military | Officer | Admiral, Captain, Captain of the Guard, Castellan, Marshal |
Military | Camp Follower | Accoutrement Maker, Armorer, Bowyer, Camp Cook, Camp Follower, Cartwright, Fletcher, lancier, linen-armorer, knifesmith, Mercenary, merchant taylor, Pioneer (siege), poleturner, Prostitute, Sapper, Scout, Siege Engineer, smith, Spy, vaginarius, Weaponsmith, |
Religion | abbess, abbot, almoner, anchorite, archbishop, beadle, beguine, bishop, canon, cantor, cardinal, cathar perfect, chantry priest, chaplain, clark, clerk, colporteur, curate, friar, hermit , metropolitan bishop, monk, nun, ostiary, palmer, pardoner, parish priest, pilgrim, pope, priest, primate (religion), sacristan, sexton, summoner (law), Theologian | |
Sailor | bargeman, boatman, boatwright, canaller, ferryman, Fisherman, hobbler, lighter man, mariner, navigator, Riverboat Pilot, Sail Maker, sailor, sea captain, ship’s captain, shipchandler, ship provisioner, Shipwright, waterman | |
Scholar | Alchemist, Amanuensis, Apothecary, Astrologer, Barber-Chirurgeon, Bearleader, Calligrapher, Cartographer, Courtesan, Courtier, Cunning-Man, Dean, Herald, Herbalist, Librarian, Mathematician, Poet, Philosopher, Professor, Quack, Scribe, Scrivener, Tempestarii, Theologian, Tutor | |
Service Industry | Most common types in Paris, in order from most to least common | maidservant, Barber-Chirurgeon, restaurateur, water carrier, laundress, porter, doctor, bather (profession), copyist |
Service Industry | accomptant, accoucheur, accoucheus, accountant, actuary, Amanuensis, attendent, bagger, bailiff, Barber-Chirurgeon, barrister, Bartender, bath attendent, bather (profession), Bodyguard, bodyservant, butler, Camp Cook, Camp Follower, carman, carter, cartier, carver, castellan, ceiler, cellarer, chamberlain, chimney sweep, chirurgeon, clouter, Coistsell, cook, copyist, Courtesan, Courtier, cowherd, cup-bearer, currier, dairymaid, dapifer, ditcher, diver, doctor, dog trainer, drayman, dresser, dung carter, executioner, famulus, farrier, Ferryman, Fortune Teller, gardner, gentleman’s gentleman, gong farmer, groom, Groom of the Stool, Guide, harlot, Herald, horseleech, hurdle maker, Innkeeper, lady’s maid, laundress, lawyer, leech, Legerdemainist, link boy, link man, maid, maidservant, Messenger, midwife, miller, napier, nurse, panter, paperer (needlemaking), pavior, pavyler, pissprophet, Poet, porter, potboy, privycleaner, procurator, prostitute, quartermaster, rag and bone man, raker, Rat Catcher, restaurateur, riveter, royal food taster, sawbones, Scribe, scullion, scullery maid, seneschal, Serf, Servant, Sin-Eater, Smelter, solicitor, sperviter, Stablehand, Stabler, stainer, Steward, stillroom, surgeon, tapster, teamster, toad doctor, treadmill worker, trencherman, userer, valet, wagoner, waller, water carrier, wattler, weeper, wetnurse, Whipping Boy | |
Unemployed | beggar, buffoon, housewife, pilgrim, transient, squatter, urchin, vagabond |