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  • Gender – Male
  • Race – Dwarf
  • Occupation – Master Craftsman
  • Religion – Asgardian Pantheon
  • Allies – 
  • Enemies – Loki, Sons of Ivaldi
  • Abode/ Base of operations – Scandinavia
  • Nationality –Scandinavian
  • Languages – Scandinavia, Dwarf
  • Alignment –
  • Affiliation (s) –
  • Significant others – 

Brokkr is a dwarf, when Loki had Sif’s hair, Freyr‘s ship Skidbladnir and Odin’s spear Gungni fashioned by the Sons of Ivaldi, he bet his own head with Brokkr that his brother Eitri wouldn’t have been able to make items that matched the craftsmanship of those mentioned above.

Eitri succeeded in making the golden ring Draupnir, the golden-bristled boar Gullinbursti and the hammer Mjollnir. These objects were judged by the gods to be superior and Brokk won the bet. However, Loki didn’t allow him to take his head because he would have damaged his neck, not included in the bet, so his lips were sewn shut instead.

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