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Michel de Grammont, The Buccaneer of Veracruz

Michel de Grammont
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  • Alias – The Buccaneer of Veracruz
  • Gender – Male
  • Race – Human
  • Occupation – Pirate, Buccaneer, Former Naval Officer
  • Religion – Roman Catholic (likely, given his French upbringing)
  • Allies – French Buccaneers, Pirates of Tortuga, Laurent de Graff (fellow pirate)
  • Enemies – Spanish Empire, Spanish Navy, Spanish colonial authorities
  • Abode/ Base of operations – Tortuga (pirate haven), Caribbean Sea
  • Nationality – French
  • Languages – French (native), Spanish (likely learned for piracy), some English
  • Alignment – Chaotic Neutral (motivated by self-interest and revenge, often ruthless)
  • Affiliation(s) – French Buccaneers, Tortuga Pirates
  • Significant others – Unknown or undocumented (historical accounts do not mention romantic partners)

Michel de Grammont, once a disgraced nobleman from France, reinvented himself as one of the most daring buccaneers to ever sail the Caribbean. Known for his audacious raids on Spanish colonies and ships, his life was a thrilling blend of naval command, reckless ambition, and relentless pursuit of wealth. Driven by a desire for revenge and redemption, Grammont lived on the edge of danger, constantly toeing the line between hero and villain. His mysterious disappearance at sea cemented his legacy, leaving behind tales of glory, greed, and the enigma of a pirate who vanished without a trace.

A Fall from Grace

Born into a minor noble family in France, Michel de Grammont grew up with privilege and status. From a young age, he aspired to a military career, rising swiftly through the ranks of the French Navy. He was known for his sharp intellect and fearlessness in battle. However, his promising career took a sudden, dramatic turn. Involvement in a scandal—whether it was due to a deadly duel or defiance of orders—resulted in his disgrace and exile from French society.

This dishonor cut deep into Grammont’s pride. Stripped of his naval commission, he found himself on the fringes of the law, forced to escape the confines of respectable society. This humiliation, coupled with the loss of status, fueled his growing resentment. The oceans, particularly the chaotic Caribbean, offered him a chance not only for revenge against those who had cast him out but also for limitless wealth and freedom.

Becoming a Buccaneer

After abandoning his noble life, Grammont arrived in the Caribbean, where a new identity awaited him. He joined the ranks of the buccaneers operating out of Tortuga, an island notorious for sheltering privateers and pirates. Grammont quickly embraced the rough-and-tumble world of piracy, and his naval experience made him stand out as a natural leader. His sharp mind, strategic brilliance, and ability to inspire fierce loyalty in his crew earned him a commanding position in the lawless pirate brotherhood.

Grammont had a distinct advantage in his naval training, which gave him an edge in both sea battles and organizing daring raids. He struck swiftly, without mercy, preying on Spanish ships laden with treasures from the New World. But Grammont was no ordinary pirate. His ambitions were far greater than simple plunder. His hatred for the Spanish, in particular, seemed personal, and he reveled in the opportunity to undermine their dominance in the region.

The Raid on Veracruz

One of Grammont’s most infamous exploits was the raid on Veracruz, a prosperous Spanish port. With meticulous planning and his characteristic audacity, he led a coalition of buccaneers on an attack that would be remembered for its scale and success. The pirates stormed the city with surprising speed, catching the Spanish defenses off guard. They looted its vast treasures, taking silver, gold, and other riches, leaving behind chaos and destruction. The raid was a remarkable display of Grammont’s tactical genius and fearlessness, solidifying his reputation as a pirate captain who feared nothing.

Despite his cruelty toward his enemies, Grammont had a sense of loyalty to his men, treating them with respect and rewarding them generously from the spoils of his conquests. To his crew, he was not just a leader but a symbol of defiance against the rigid social order that had once cast him out. His men admired him for his intelligence and for the way he pushed them beyond their limits in pursuit of unimaginable wealth.

Personality and Motivations

Michel de Grammont was a man defined by contradictions. He was ruthless and merciless toward his enemies, particularly the Spanish, yet showed a strong sense of loyalty and leadership to his crew. At his core, he was driven by vengeance—against the society that had rejected him, against the Spanish Empire that represented the ultimate authority, and perhaps even against himself for falling into disgrace. He was a man at war with the world, fighting not just for gold but for validation, power, and control over his fate.

Grammont’s greatest fear was likely the return to obscurity and powerlessness. He had once been humiliated and cast out, and he would not allow himself to return to that state of dishonor. Every raid, every daring battle was not just a pursuit of treasure but a statement of defiance, a refusal to be forgotten or diminished. The sea was his domain, and in it, he found both purpose and freedom. His ability to command attention, to inspire fear in his enemies and admiration in his followers, was his way of proving to the world—and to himself—that he was greater than the disgrace that had once threatened to destroy him.

The Final Expedition

Grammont’s desire for ever-greater prizes and more daring conquests eventually led him to plan one of his boldest expeditions: a raid on the Spanish settlements along the coasts of Central and South America. At this point in his career, his name had become legendary among both pirates and their enemies. He gathered a powerful fleet, determined to strike deeper into Spanish territory than ever before. His reputation for success had grown to the point that many believed Grammont could not be defeated.

But fate had other plans. During this expedition, Grammont and his fleet encountered a violent storm, which devastated his ships. Somewhere off the coast of Panama, his vessel disappeared, and he was never heard from again. His body was never found, and the circumstances of his death remain a mystery. Some say that the sea finally claimed him, while others believe he might have survived, living out his days in anonymity.


Michel de Grammont’s legacy is one of boldness, defiance, and mystery. He was a man who refused to accept the fate society had tried to impose on him, and instead, he forged his own path in the most lawless and dangerous waters in the world. His ability to lead men, outthink his enemies, and execute some of the most daring raids in pirate history made him a figure of legend.

Though his life ended in uncertainty, the fear he inspired in his enemies and the admiration he earned from his crew endure in the stories told about him. His pursuit of wealth and vengeance, his skill as a strategist and leader, and his fearless nature all defined him as one of the greatest pirates of his time.

Michel de Grammont 2
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Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 18 (Custom Leather Duster, Dexterity)

Hit Points 210 (28d8 + 84)

Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2)20 (+5)16 (+3)18 (+4)14 (+2)18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dexterity +10, Intelligence +9, Charisma +9
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +7, Deception +9, Intimidation +9, Insight +7, Perception +7
Damage Resistances Cold, Thunder (from sea magic and life on the stormy seas)
Senses Passive Perception 17
Languages Common, French (uses Elvish), Spanish (uses Draconic)
Challenge Rating 13 (10,000 XP)


Master Buccaneer. Michel de Grammont is an expert tactician on both land and sea. He can grant himself advantage on any Dexterity (Stealth), Charisma (Deception), or Intelligence (History) checks related to naval tactics, ambushes, or social manipulation once per short rest. Additionally, he can reroll any failed saving throw against being grappled or restrained.

Legendary Captain. Allies within 60 feet of Grammont who can see or hear him can add a +3 bonus to their attack rolls and saving throws (this does not stack with similar effects). This bonus increases to +5 while aboard a ship or in coastal waters.

Evasion. If Michel is subjected to an effect that allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, he instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if he fails.

Sea Witch’s Favor (Recharges after a Long Rest). After a rumored pact with a sea witch, Michel de Grammont is blessed by the ocean’s magic. Once per day, he can call upon the power of the sea to cast Control Water or Call Lightning without expending a spell slot. This ability recharges after a long rest.

Tactician’s Reprieve. As a bonus action, Michel can survey the battlefield and take the Dodge action or move up to half his speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

Pirate Lord’s Will. Michel has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or paralyzed. He exudes an aura of confidence that makes it difficult for enemies to break his spirit.


Multiattack. Michel makes three attacks with his Cutlass or one with his Flintlock and two with his Cutlass.

Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. This cutlass, a finely crafted blade with ornate gold engravings, counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.

Flintlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (3d8 + 5) piercing damage. Michel can fire his flintlock pistol twice before needing to spend a bonus action to reload.

Riposte (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). When a creature misses Michel with a melee attack, Michel can use his reaction to make a melee attack with his cutlass against the attacker. If the attack hits, he deals an additional 10 (3d6) slashing damage.

Commander’s Strike (Recharge 5–6). Michel can shout a command to a nearby ally within 30 feet. That ally can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, adding an additional 1d8 to the damage if it hits.

Desperate Gambit (Once per Day). Michel can take one additional action and one additional bonus action on his turn. For the duration of this turn, his movement does not provoke opportunity attacks, and he can take the Dash action as a bonus action.

Legendary Actions

Michel de Grammont can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Michel regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

  • Parry. Michel adds +3 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit him.
  • Move. Michel moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  • Cunning Strike. Michel makes a Cutlass or Flintlock attack.

Lair Actions

If encountered on a ship or coastal environment, Michel can take lair actions on initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties). He cannot use the same action two rounds in a row.

  • Tide Shift. Michel causes the waters around the ship to churn violently. Any creatures within 60 feet of the ship must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and pulled 10 feet closer to the water’s edge.
  • Fog of War. Michel conjures a thick fog over a 30-foot radius, heavily obscuring the area for 1 minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Creatures within the fog have disadvantage on attack rolls and Perception checks that rely on sight.
  • Command the Sea (Recharges on a Roll of 6). Michel summons a tidal wave or whirlpool (as per Control Water) to surge over part of the battlefield, affecting a 30-foot wide area. All creatures within must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be swept 20 feet in a direction of Michel’s choice, taking 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.


  • Cutlass of the Pirate Lord (Magic Item, +1): This finely-crafted cutlass is imbued with sea magic, giving Michel +1 to attack and damage rolls. When it strikes a creature, it crackles with electricity, dealing an additional 1d6 lightning damage once per turn.
  • Flintlock Pistol: A well-made flintlock, capable of firing accurately at short range. Michel’s skill with the weapon gives him a +5 to damage when firing within its first range increment.
  • Medallion of the Deep: This enchanted medallion allows Michel to breathe underwater and grants him resistance to cold damage. Once per long rest, it can cast Water Breathing or Water Walk.
  • Custom Leather Duster of the Pirate Lord (+1 Studded Leather Armor): This custom-made leather duster, grants Michel a +1 bonus to AC. The armor is designed for flexibility and mobility, allowing him to move easily while providing substantial protection. The magical enhancement makes it resistant to wear and tear from the sea’s harsh elements.

Description and Personality

Michel de Grammont is a charismatic yet ruthless pirate who walks the line between noble upbringing and lawless pirate life. He is driven by a hunger for freedom and revenge against the Spanish Empire. Fearless, cunning, and ever-confident, he commands his crew with an iron fist but rewards loyalty richly. His deep-seated disdain for authority and passion for wealth make him unpredictable and dangerous.

Though skilled in naval strategy and pirate warfare, Michel is not just a brutal captain—he’s a tactician who always looks for an advantage. His love of the sea is absolute, and his rumored pact with a sea witch has granted him oceanic power. He thrives in the chaos of battle, wielding his cutlass and flintlock with deadly precision, ever the fearless leader who would rather die free on the ocean than be confined by land or law.

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