Mount Parnassus

- Country – Boeotia
- Terrain Type – Mountains Terrain
- Notable residents – Muses, Autolycus
Located at the top is the Oracle of Delphi sacred to Apollo, so did the mountain itself become associated with Apollo. Parnassus is the site of the fountain Castalia and the home of the Muses. As the home of the Muses, Parnassus is known as the home of poetry, music, and learning.
Parnassus is also the site of several unrelated minor events:
- Orestes spent his time in hiding on Mount Parnassus.
- Parnassus is sacred to the god Dionysus.
- The Corycian Cave, located on the slopes of Parnassus, is sacred to Pan and to the Muses.
Parnassus is also the home to a herd of Pegasus.