Wind Shear
![By Internet Archive Book Images - Image from page 828 of "St. Nicholas [serial]" (1873), No restrictions,, Wind Shear](
You cause a 30ft. diameter cylinder of pummeling winds to bash down on an area.
The Lore of the Gods
Book One: The Greek GodsLead Designers Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend
Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director Todd Morasch Artwork Aaron D. Siddal
Evocation [Air]
Level: Cleric 6, Druid 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./ level)
Area: 30ft diameter cylinder
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: No
Any creatures on the ground and within the spell’s area of effect take 3d6 points of damage and all creatures within are forced to the ground and prone at the end of the spell’s duration The cylinder is 10 feet high per level and any flying creatures caught within will be forced down to the ground, taking 1d8 points of damage/ 10ft fallen.