Visage of the Deity, Greater

(Complete Divine)
Transmutation [Evil, Good]
Level: Cleric 9, Purification 9,
As lesser visage of the deity, except that you take on the qualities of a half-celestial or half-fiend.
You do not gain the spell-like abilities of these creatures.
- Your creature type changes to outsider for the duration of the spell.
- Unlike other outsiders, you can be brought back from the dead if you are killed in this form.
- Good clerics undergo the following transformations:
- You grow feathered wings that allow you to fly at twice your normal speed (good maneuverability).
- You gain +1 natural armor.
- You gain Low-Light Vision.
- You gain resistance 10 to acid, cold, and electricity.
- You gain immunity to disease.
- You gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
- You gain damage reduction 10/magic.
- You gain Spell Resistance 25.
- You gain the following bonuses to your ability scores: +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma.
Evil clerics undergo the following transformations:
- You grow batlike wings that allow you to fly at your normal speed (average maneuverability).
- You gain +1 natural armor.
- You gain bite and claw attacks.
- If you are size Medium or larger, your bite deals 1d6 points of damage and each claw attack deals 1d4 points of damage.
- If you are Small, your bite deals 1d3 points of damage and each claw attack deals 1d3 points of damage.
- You gain Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
- You gain immunity to poison.
- You gain resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire.
- You gain damage reduction 10/magic.
- You gain Spell Resistance 25.
- You gain the following bonuses to your ability scores: +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +2 Charisma.