Scales of the Sealord
You transform yourself into a form better suited to the watery environment, growing shimmering scales and gaining webbed hands and feet.
Originally posted on D&D tools
Level: Druid 3, Ranger 3, Seafolk 3,
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
- For the duration of the spell, your swim speed increases by 10 feet. If you had no swim speed, you gain a swim speed of 15 feet, gaining a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard.
- You can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. You can use the run action while swimming, provided you swim in a straight line.
- Finally, you gain a natural armor bonus +1/three caster levels, maximum of +5.
- However, because of your strange appearance, you gain a penalty to Charisma-based checks equal to the natural armor bonus when dealing with nonaquatic creatures.
Material Component: Handful of thick scales.