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Releasing the Kraken

The Lore of the Gods

Book One: The Greek Gods

Lead Designers Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director Todd Morasch Artwork Aaron D. Siddal

Pierre Denys de Montfort's Poulpe Colossal attacks a merchant ship.1810, Releasing the Kraken
Pierre Denys de Montfort‘s Poulpe Colossal attacks a merchant ship.1810

Conjuration (Calling)

Level: Cleric 9, Druid 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Long (400ft. +40ft. / level)
Effect: Summons a kraken
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This powerful spell summons a kraken to you and allows you to speak with it. You may order the beast to Perform one task; however you must first barter a price. The kraken may want treasure or (more likely) food.

Sometimes, if you’re lucky, the task can become the payment. For example, if you wish it to destroy a pirate vessel, it can have all persons on board or perhaps all treasure on board as its payment.

However, the payment should fit the task required.

Once the task is completed, the kraken will immediately leave the area and will harbor no ill feelings toward the caster unless she was abusive during the bartering negotiations.

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